SGA 3.01: No Man's Land

Jul 30, 2006 10:39

I wanted to save my first impressions of SGA season 3 episodes as they come out just to see if they change when I get some perspective into the whole thing. I would've watched the last episodes of season two first as a reminder of how things ended, except that they were such a parade of bad judgement and stupid decisions that even thinking about them still burns. "Let's all trust the sinister beings that consider us food. Let's not suspect them of any foul play! And you know what? Taking candy from strangers isn't all that bad. Let's follow them home as well!"

So, here are my notes from watching the episode the first time, fleshed out a little afterwards. Contains abuse of exclamation marks and random thoughts.

SGA 3.01: No Man's Land

Am I the only one who thinks the Daedalus is an annoying deus ex machina and space fights are boring? Don't get me wrong, they're very pretty, but whenever I hear that cute guy on the command bridge (does he have a name?) tell Caldwell the shields are down to blah percent I lose interest and start staring at my houseplant. Green...

Ok, what is it With Sheppard and the 302s? Does he ever just come back home in one? No! How do they even let him fly off anymore? He never just comes back! Also, every time a pilot takes off his oxygen mask mid-flight to talk, my dad snorts derisively. Apparently that is just not. done. And how does Sheppard know how to fly all these things anyway? The Ancient gene or pure instinct don't really work on Earth aircraft and pilot training is pretty damn expensive.

Hello Weir! I'm sorry to see you still annoy me. But I love the fact they all seem to be on a first name basis with each other. Now if they just lost contact with Earth or went rogue I'd be so very happy.

Hello McKay! And Ronon! Lovely interaction. Rodney makes exposition a lot less boring than anyone else. I might even call it cute! The Wraith cocoons are disgusting.

McKay and Zelenka geeking out over hyperdrives and Sheppard not paying attention. Hee! Also, there is something off with Sheppard. Maybe the helmet is squishing his face? Everyone else looks familiar but Sheppard is just...strange.

And Weir goes to Earth now? Apparently going to another galaxy for a talk in the principal's office is standard procedure now. Teyla and Elizabeth are adorable with each other. Such warm voices!

More disgusting cocoons. And pessimistic McKay! Oh, how I've missed you!

Sheppard still looks strange. His cheeks are definitely fuller... or something. And poor little misunderstood Michael. *snort*

The committee meeting is ridiculous. "Is that wise?" Excruciating exposition and explanation. Elizabeth flounces off. *stab*

McKay! Apathy! Ronon looked like he was jerking off right until the knife appeared. These guys are the one bright spot in this so far.

The stupidity of this Earth thing makes me cringe. And why do they keep flaunting Teyla's stomach? It's a very nice stomach, but doesn't her navel get cold? Why don't they evolve her character any further than serene hot alien chick? She's supposed to be the leader of her people (*snort* At least she doesn't say that every five minutes anymore.) and she can't even wear a shirt that covers her stomach.

More Daedaleus. Meh. Green...

Lorne! Hey Baby!

Michael's face is slimy. Yuck. Sheppard is weird but cute. My very favourite combination!

The Wraith dart whine is very threatening. Unlike Sheppard.

More Earth. Noooo... Who is the bald guy? A self-righteous Elizabeth is...vexing. Give us more women! With real personalities!

Ronon's beard is too long. But the boys are still cute together.

Sheppard's jacket takes me back to when my brother was 15 and wore one almost like that all year round, from -25C to 30C. *grins* He was such a dork!

I'm sad to say I'm bored. Yet another space battle. Green...

Lorne! Zelenka! The drones are pretty. Shiny ancient octopus sperm!

DOS joke! Hee! Suspicious Ronon is sexy. And still so obedient.

There sure are lots of sparks. I love it when they throw the nukes around like candy. And now Sheppard flies the Daedalus as well? With a joystick?

Rodney the pessimist and Sheppard's freaky hair. No one has hair like that when they've worn a helmet. It's not even cute anymore.

Buddy breathing! Hee! I like it when writers use the restrictions of being in space. I love Rodney and Zelenka working together.

Michael the devil's advocate. Can I just say how much I hate the retrovirus. It's the most retarded thing ever. I could take it way back when Sheppard turned into a bug because Sheppard. turned. into. a bug. I didn't know they'd base this whole huge moronic plot on it. Grrr.

Back to Earth. Blah blah blah. Another morality lesson/pep talk. Yawn.

"Looks like they killed each other." Intriguing. But the queen, so predictable!

"I think we're out of the woods." Dun dun dun! Yeah, right.

In conclusion: I watched this episode at four am during a bout of insomnia and it was the first thing that got my brain inactive enough to sleep. *grin* That doesn't say much for the plot. But the plot is often bad. There just wasn't enough of human interaction to counter the never ending space battles. Maybe I'm being unfair here, or just cranky. Maybe the long pause between episodes made my expectations too high. *ponders* No, it really was just bad.

I wish they lost contact with Earth again. It would be so much more interesting. And if not, I wish they'd have done the whole "face the consequences of your actions" thing a little more intelligently. With, you know, actual consequences. Also, they've made such a big deal of the ZPM's and the amount of energy loss involved in dialing Earth that I wish they'd stop wasting the energy like that.

sga, first_impressions

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