
Jan 02, 2007 17:38

First and foremost: TORCHWOOD! \o/ Yay! A huge thanks to erilyn for providing the episodes for so many people! She also wrote down some some thoughts on the Torchwood finale. I'm still all excited about the episodes. It was so much fun! And now I want to watch all of Doctor Who as well. I'll have to go digging around for season two. Such a chore. *g*
Yesterday adelate posted a link to this video of men kissing. It has not only a great disclaimer ('If you find MEN kissing MEN offensive, please watch this video over and over until you become accustomed to it.') but a clip from a really adorable movie called Big Eden. It's the one with the Tall Native American Guy (Pike) kissing the Shorter Guy With Red Lumberjack Shirt (Henry). Henry's an artist who moves back to a small town from New York to take care of his granddad who had a stroke. Pike's a painfully shy shopkeeper who gets a desperate crush on Henry and tries to woo him by secret cooking! It's a really sweet movie (maybe even a little too sweet in the end) but I really enjoyed it. I encourage all those who can to rent it but since getting your hands on small American/Canadian movies is next to impossible over here I offer you Big Eden, parts 1.rar (250 MB), 2.rar (250 MB) and 3.rar (191 MB).

And look! I found three Yuletide stories in the fandom already. Why am I not surprised that there are lovingly described cooking scenes in two of them? ;-)

Waiting to be Found by Diana Williams (dkwilliams)
Big Eden | G | Pike/Henry
Summary:"You know they say when you get lost in the woods; if you stay put, stay in one place and don't wander, they'll find you."
A fun missing scene from the end of the movie. This one was my favourite. The supporting characters are well-written and Jim's interaction with Henry is priceless!

Courting by Tiriel
Big Eden | R | Pike/Henry
Summary: Pike and Henry's courtship continues. Post-film.
I liked the awkwardness and uncertainty of the courtship. Neither Pike nor Henry are the most confident people in the world and I can't see things going completely smoothly with them. I also liked the difficulty of starting a new relationship with the whole nosy community watching - even if they are supportive.

Five Ways Henry Likes Being Held by Diana Williams (dkwilliams)
Big Eden | R | Pike/Henry
Summary: Henry likes the way Pike holds him.
This was a post-movie story but it still felt a little too much like a list of the authors favourite scenes. I had issues with some of the vocabulary but YMMV, so you might want to give it try anyway.
petronia posted mathematical formulas for ship popularity and wank potential in a fandom. Her examples are from anime fandoms I've never even heard of but any math geeks on my flist might get a kick out of the equations anyway. I certainly did. *g*

Elsewhere hth_the_first wrote a great end-of-the-year post. In addition to listing all her fic she wrote about how she views canon in both real person and tv fandoms. She uses popslash and SGA as examples and I had a huge moment of "Yes! That's it exactly!" when I read her thoughts.
Both the DWNOGA and yuletide authors have been revealed! I haven't gone to check any names yet. I want to write my recs first and I have all the necessary fics open in tabs. But so far I can tell from my flist that I guessed the writers correctly with phaballa and trumpeterofdoom. A lot of good stories have been written by my favourite writes so no huge surprises yet! It's great to finally be able to give feedback.
I was just reminded of a time maybe five years ago when I went to see a concert with my best friend and we were sitting next to the most peculiar woman I've ever met in an audience - The Silent Mosquito Killer. She first chastised me for opening a packet of breath mints when the lights were still on, the orchestra was nowhere to be seen and everyone around us was still *talking*. But the most memorable moment came when it was time for applause and she was sitting leaning forward with her legs crossed and clapped slowly and completely without rhythm right in front of her *face* like she was killing off invisible mosquitoes. Or maybe she was reviewing the performance in Morse code? We'll never know.

movies, my_life, meta, links, downloads, yuletide, recs:misc, dwnoga

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