Once more with feeling: Happy New Year!

Jan 01, 2007 12:59

I hope everyone had fun last night. I spent NYE with my oldest and best friends and as usual things got a little wacky! I was too wired and excited to go to bed so I started commenting all over the place. (Thanks for indulging me, adelate! ;) Although I don't normally bother with memes, this one was so fitting I just had to post it:

In 2007, cardalia resolves to...
Spend less time on sga.
Put fifty happy endings a month into my savings account.
Cut down on my knitting.
Find a new kink.
Ask my boss for a feminism.
Go to the scrubs every month.

It's not like I go looking for new kinks. *koff*lies*koff* I just sort of stumble into them and melt into a puddle on the floor. It's not me, it's the writers!

On a more serious, LJ-related note, I resolve to

Friend and comment more, lurk less. It's an old habit but surprisingly difficult to shake off. I have some people friended whose entries almost never comment on for no good reason. And at some point I just forgot to keep friending new, interesting people. Instead, I lurk. And that's just silly. (Silly? Me? Never!)

Not comment or post entries after 2 am or when otherwise dead tired. This one only applies to so-called serious commenting, things other than OMG! HI! *waves* Writing in English is a perilous business when tired and can only lead to misunderstandings. If I absolutely have to comment on stories, a simple "Good story, I really enjoyed it!" will have to suffice until my brain gets back on line. ;)

Actually finish and post entries. I have a bunch of private semi-intelligent entries (mostly recs) that I haven't posted for some mysterious reason only known to my subconscious. Boldly be less critical and more random!

So, did you make any resolutions?


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