colors_tcgpost, please refer me if you join :) trading decks - click the giant card to see what i'm trading. make requests **here**
RETURN TO NAVIGATION POST HERE trade terms please read this before trading!
★current & high priority future decks ► Not trading out. They're mine~
★medium & low priority future decks ► Except Angel Beats, I will trade these for cards of a higher priority.
★special decks ► I love Special for Special, but I'm not restricted to that~
★keeping decks ► MIGHT trade out if the offer is good enough (basically anything high priority and up)~
★trading decks ► Anything goes~ Highest of priority to Digimon Cards I do not have.
★offered & pending trades ► Don't ask me for these. I won't take back offers for anyone. Also, check what I have pending (offering me these will result in a rejection).
★held decks ► Holds are indefinite. I will, however, check back after about 2 weeks to see if you're still interested~ credit coding →
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