2011july31: Trade (1-1): power04 for
midori_midori's friendship13.
Trade (1-1): king03 for
bahamas's pasta11.
Trade (0+3 Crayons-0+3 Crayons): orange crayon x2 and blue crayon for
piraskel's red crayon x3.
Trade (2-2): avoid14 and avoid19 for
mongoosehwrs's oblivious16 and vector01.
Trade (1-1): formula16 for
lucathia_rykatu's extreme08.
Trade (4-4): contests05, america02, psychic01, and hoihoi20 for
lucathia_rykatu's pacifist16, turkey04, turkey18, and tomboy16.
Trade (2-2): beli17 and ghost14 for
baredick's power04 and king03.
2011july28: Trade (1-1): latvia01 for
alvanista's knowledge06.
Trade (6-6): assassin11, bell05, bell15, bell19, cynical06, and prince03 for
chuukoku's fate15, fate18, leader04, love07, sockpuppet02, and sockpuppet08.
2011july27: Trade (2-2): cavalry02 and manikatti07 for
nugeyo 's takatomon20 and love19.
Trade (2-2): visualizer13 and amulet20 for
tategamiwolf's understand20 and heights12.
Trade (4-4): 2-a13, cyborg07, gakuen13, and tanebata11 for outsider01, outsider17, bell15, and bell19.
Trade (4-4): bluemoon06, dote08, dote20, and kenpo14 for
spinningstyle's assassin11, bell05, cynical06, and prince03.
Trade (1-1): trinisette03 for
tsubon's goggles17.
2011july24: Trade (1-1): canada13 for
yuidirnt's ikazuchi19.
Trade (1-1): cheer19 for
yamanaika 's turkey19.
Trade (1-1): kingkazma09 for
wolfie_'s yami11.
Trade (1-1): unison08 for
ratiosu's extreme03.
Trade (1-1): steiner01 for
chuukoku's takatomon02.
2011july23: Trade (2-2): mysterious14 and 2-a13 for
wet's ikazuchi11 and eighth03.
Trade (2-2): minami04 and powder13 for
nugeyo 's kendo16 and noble15.
Trade (1-1): violent17 for
chuukoku's xrosheart09.
Trade (1-1): sig (John) for
yamanaika chuukoku 's sukonbu18.
Trade (1-1): rival10 for
bahamas's sukonbu03.
2011july22: Trade (1-1): maihime12 for
nonchatte's leader09.
2011july21: Trade (2-2): british19 and sig (John) for
kearin's kendo19 and sig (Kearin).
Trade (1-1): costumes01 for
nonchatte's costumes01.
Trade (1-1): kiss12 for
kearin's occult19.
Trade (2-2): musket01 and photographs20 for
hushlust's reliability10 and tomboy10.
Trade (1-1): violin02 for
nugeyo 's amnesia11.
Trade (1-1): perfection10 for
arushiraoi's sukonbu07.
2011july20: Trade (15-15): slacker03, onmyouji04, perfect12, petshop18, scythe01, straycat11, tall20, control08, krisna13, lumberjack19, marriage06, meganekko17, technician10, vines11, and zanber16 for
kearin's miko18, geek17, cynical13, catcher12, runner13, canada13, blackbird09, musket01, overpower02, rocklione20, dragon07, eldest02, eldest15, stapler09, and maschera11.
Trade (1-1): runner13 for
experienced's kind12.
Trade (1-1): cynical13 for
chuukoku's brag04.
Trade (3-3): bangle11, eldest02, and eldest15 for
yamanaika 's hero14, evolver08, and tamer12.
Trade (1-1): stapler09 for
unasuvas's love17.
2011july19: Trade (2-2): chef01 and veda15 for
oriharas 's brag19 and eighth20.
Trade (1-1): salamander16 for
kearin's mysterious14.
Trade (2-2): dullahan19 and salamander17 for
nerrin's tamer02 and blunt20.
Trade (2-2): america02 and keroboros14 for
yuidirnt's hero17 and understand04.
2011july18: Trade (1-1): stardust13 for
tategamiwolf's hero04.
Trade (1-1): curse19 for
nugeyo 's hikari11.
Trade (1-1): average09 for
experienced's sincerity12.
Trade (1-1): bronco04 for
porvoras's runner05.
Trade (1-1): unwritten15 for
porvoras's wisdom12.
Trade (1-1): spy05 for
tsuruhime's honoo02.
Trade (1-1): runner05 for
experiencedunasuvas 's kaze02.
Trade (1-1): strawberry17 for
unasuvas's twilight09.
Trade (1-1): blackrose05 for
tategamiwolf's leader16.
2011july17: Trade (1-1): nonary19 for
takasu's eighth08.
Gifted (2): punisher05 and sergeant07 to
yamanaika .
Trade (1-1): cheerful08 for
bringthefate's heights10.
Trade (2-2): leo06 and samurai06 for
spinningstyle's brag05 and tomboy12.
Received (2): hikari01 and twilight04 from
yamanaika .
2011july16: Trade (1-1): ae8620 for
tadashi's sockpuppet18.
2011july15: Trade (1-1): toran01 for
tsuruhime's blunt08.
2011july14: Trade (3-3): bluemoon01, bluemoon05, and bluemoon13 for
tsuruhime's safety13, kind04, and protective01.
Trade (0+2 Crayons-0+2 Crayons): gray crayon x2 for
yamanaika 's yellow crayon and green crayon.
2011july13: Trade (2-2): contests19 and regulus13 for
kearin's contests05 and suit09.
Trade (2-2): melchsee14 and reflection06 for
perarduaadast's brag01 and tomboy17.
Trade (1-2): anniversary05 for
stopping's crybaby17 and takatomon14.
Received (1): pacifist09 from
unasuvas .
2011july12: Trade (1-1): energetic12 for
orechibisama's turtle15.
Trade (1-1): sig (John) for
kirkland 's sig (Dara).
2011july11: Trade (1-1): japan14 for
yuidirnt 's goggles19.
Trade (0+2 Crayons-0+2 Crayons): gray crayon and yellow crayon for
yamanaika 's red crayon and purple crayon.
Trade (1-1): tattoo04 for
antagonists 's leader15.
Trade (1-1): sig (John) for
yuidirnt's sig (Destiny).
Trade (1-1): india13 for
kirkland's crybaby03.
2011july10: Trade (2-2): caduceus20 and heaven05 for
wolfie_'s xrosheart04 and xrosheart17.
Trade (1-1): captain01 for
fidio's background16.
Gifted (1): background16 to
unasuvas .
Received (1): protective17 from
unasuvas .
Trade (8-8): cola17, spear18, bubbly07, dango05, matriarch10, stapler15, skateboard08, and watermelon05 for blueflare05, bluemoon01/05/06/13, toran01, spy05, and partner17.
Trade (1-1): control17 for
whimsykitsune's leader03.
Trade (2-2): reliable08 and toyboat10 for
nonchatte's pacifist18 and arrogant20.
Trade (1-1): arrogant20 for
antagonists's tomboy02.
Trade (2-2): archaeology11 and temper16 for
yamanaika 's salamander16 and regulus13.
2011july09: Trade (2-2): gatekeeper15 and reaper09 for
wolfie_'s brag12 and sockpuppet16.
Received (0+1 Crayon): red crayon from
yamanaika .
Trade (0+2 Crayons-0+2 Crayons): two red crayons for
piraskel's orange crayon and blue crayon.
Gifted (0+1 Crayon): blue crayon to
yamanaika .
Trade (1-1): rivalry02 for
kirkland's aniki14.
Trade (3-1): repeat07, rude07, and legal07 for
yamanaika 's aniki13.
Trade (1-1): background18 for
unasuvas 's aniki17.
Trade (1-1): catcher13 for
tadashi's aniki04
Received (1): aniki02 from
Trade (1-1): exchanger09 for
tsubon's aniki15.
Trade (1-1): sen07 for
piraskel's aniki18.
Trade (1-1): steiner01 for
tategamiwolf's aniki01.
Trade (1-1): twilight18 for
tategamiwolf's bonds04.
Gifted (1): background14 to
unasuvas .
Trade (2-1): skeleton03 and bigpuppy05 for
porvoras's aniki06.
Received (1): aniki05 from
Trade (1-1): nonchalant08 for
tsuruhime's aniki11.
Trade (1-1): break07 for
antagonists's aniki09.
Trade (1-1): guillotine10 for
kupwark's eighth17.
Trade (1-1): sweden05 for
yamanaika 's twilight02.
Trade (2-2): theatrical20 and uu09 for
antonio 's aniki10 and repeat01
2011july08: Received (19+2 Crayons): admired02, admired08, afro20, albhed14, aquapearl01, author11, captain01, contests19, extreme07, fate03, izanagi14, junes10, orpheus06, salamander03, salamander07, salamander17, stardust13, sympathy15, west01, and two orange crayons from
Trade (0+1 Crayon-0+1 Crayon): red crayon for
taminas's blue crayon.
Trade (4-4): albhed14, christmas19, ruin09, and zearth19 for
arushiraoi's brag15, hikari14, leader02, and love08.
Received (0+2 Crayons): blue crayon and purple crayon from
Trade (3+7 Crayons-3+1 Crayon): vector15, verbose05, verbose13, 6 blue crayons, and 1 gray crayon for
yamanaika 's brag13, protective05, sincerity08, and 1 orange crayon.
Trade (1-1): theatrical20 for
antonio 's reliability08.
Trade (3-3): salamander03, salamander07, and regulus06 for
kearin's yami03, sincerity14, and takatomon13.
Trade (1-1): warrior20 for
disutansu's heights08.
Gifted (0+2 Crayons): two purple crayons to
unasuvas .
Trade (0+2 Crayons-0+2 Crayon): yellow crayon and gray crayon for
piraskel's two orange crayons.
2011july07: Trade (1-1): wolfbeil02 for
alvanista's brag06.
Trade (1-1): bsaa08 for
kupwark's crybaby10.
Trade (1-1): spain14 for
moon_wolfwriter 's love03.
Trade (1-1): zearth15 for
doublenyanbow's twilight07.
Trade (1-1): belarus02 for
yuidirnt 's blunt01.
Trade (1-1): blackbird01 for
nazonano's sincerity16.
Trade (0+1 Crayon-0+1 Crayon): green crayon for
wolfie's blue crayon.
Trade (0+1 Crayon-0+1 Crayon): brown crayon for
perarduaadast's blue crayon.
2011july06: Trade (3-3): magatama13, newyears09, and nyan14 for
wolfie_'s love13, pacifist03, and sockpuppet13.
2011july05: Trade (1-1): violence18 for
oriharas 's yami06.
Gifted (2): third01 and third06 to
2011july04: Trade (2-2): shannaro11 and sommelier02 for
nugeyo 's hero18 and love06.
2011july02: Trade (1-1): osaka09 for
farsketched's koori18.
Trade (2-2): key04 and sayo18 for
experienced's zearth15 and zearth19.
Trade (2-2): charisma16 and precise15 for
hushlust's leader08 and friendship08.
2011july01: Trade (1-1): flameking14 for
moon_wolfwriter 's hero16.
2011june30: Trade (11-11): bride10, bride15, kill19, loyalty02, loyalty11, loyalty13, oblivious18, observe05, otomen16, pantheress08 and prodigal06 for
yamanaika 's brag03, honoo13, honoo20, ikazuchi02, ikazuchi07, knowledge19, sockpuppet01, tamer08, tamer10, third01, and understand12.
Trade (1-1): wisewolf05 for
kupwark's love09.
Trade (3-3): musket20, silhouettes05, and cascade06 for
kikinioth's vector15, verbose13, and sweden05.
Gifted (1): basketball19 to
2011june29: Received (1): hero10 from
2011june28: Trade (6-6): 3rdchild14, assassin05, dresses03, guard15, kaleidostar05, snail17 for
kearin's america02, kendo08, partner02, russia12, sincerity18, and tamer05.
2011june27: Trade (0+1 Crayon-0+1 Crayon): brown crayon for
hitagi's green crayon.
Trade (1-1): symetry17 for
nugeyo 's xrosheart15.
2011june26: Trade (1-1): dancer18 for
kikinioth's blueflare18.
Gifted (6): bartender05, bride08, bride09, cabbage11, leopard08, and temper15 to
yamanaika .
2011june24: Trade (1-1): seychelles04 for
yuidirnt 's ikazuchi10.
2011june23: Trade (1-1): spider08 for
yuidirnt 's kind06.
Gifted (1): saturn01 to
yuidirnt .
2011june21: Trade (2-0+1 Crayon): comnet16 and protect02 for
yuidirnt 's orange crayon.
2011june20: Trade (6-6): cake06, dynamite13, professor19, samekh20, seductive13, smart-Mouth14 for
ouji_tan 's brag10, cabbage11, crybaby01, kaze17, loyalty02 and loyalty11.
2011june19: Trade (1-1): honor05 for
experienced's bartender05.
Trade (5-5): accurate09, adeptrogue20, bell11, shujaa06, and sia19 for
spinningstyle's bride09, comnet16, leopard08, loyalty13, and protect02.
2011june18: Trade (1-1): information01 for
antagonists's focused07.
june17: Trade (1-1): hello06 for
alvanista's tomboy07.
Trade (1-1): avenge07 for
wolfie_'s eighth18.
Trade (1-1): japan06 for
subtlety's romaantiqua05.
2011june16: Trade (1-1): jellyfish15 for
bosom 's friendship04.
Trade (2-2): charisma11 and firefist08 for
stopping 's love01 and love02.
Trade (4-4): bigsister03, cola08, maxtor05, and yo-yo13 for
spinningstyle 's honoo06, sockpuppet06, understand05, and takatomon01.
Trade (1-1): musket07 for
nonchatte 's ikazuchi09.
Trade (1-1): troy07 for
piraskel 's leader12.
2011june15: Trade (1-1): blackbird18 for
tsuruhime 's kendo20.
Trade (1-1): fishing18 for
nazonano 's hikari04.
Trade (2-2): truth15 and blossom10 for
nonchatte 's heights01 and xrosheart19.
Gifted (1): greece09 to
yamanaika .
Trade (2-2): math06 and rocklione20 for
mongoosehwrs 's friendship18 and friendship20.
2011june13: Gifted (1): protect11 to
yuidirnt .
Gifted (1): curry07 to
yamanaika .
Trade (1-1): reserved02 for
wolfie 's takatomon05.
Received (17): focused03, focused10, focused13, focused17, fighter05, fighter07, fighter09, fighter12, fighter20, exchanger03, exchanger04, exchanger06, exchanger07, exchanger09, exchanger 16, exchanger17, and sommelier02 from
sommelier .
2011june12: Received (1): goggles10 from
yuidirnt .
2011june11: Received (1): blueflare12 from
tsuruhime .
2011june09: Gifted (1): aristocrat14 away as a gift to
tategamiwolf .
Trade (3-3): england19, negi03, and viera02 for
taminas 's blueflare10, honoo07, and sockpuppet20.
Trade (2-2): sohcahtoa12 and perceive19 for
araiyuudai 's honoo11 and sockpuppet04.
2011june08: Trade (1-1): average07 for
subtlety 's ikazuchi20.
Trade (1-1): littlekitty06 for
moon_wolfwriter 's fate11.
2011june07: Trade (1-1): france06 for
yamanaika 's twilight16.
Gifted (2): library06 and unlucky02 to
yamanaika .
Gifted (1): meister12 to
tsuruhime .
Received (1): heights09 from
yamanaika .
2011june06: Gifted (1): leeks07 to
subtlety .
Trade (1-1): tanuki07 for
bosom 's fate17.
Gifted (3): sunshine07, powder07, and mischief07 to
tategamiwolf .
Gifted (2): cyber07 and d-hero07 to
yuidirnt .
Gifted (2): safety07 and watermelon14 to
yamanaika .
Received (1): honoo09 from
tategamiwolf .
Received (1): takatomon10 from
kirkland .
2011june05: Received (3): knowledge08, friendship19, and fighter20 as a gift from
kirkland .
Received (1): sincerity20 from
yamanaika .
Gifted (1): fighter20 to
sommelier .
2011june04: Gifted (1): tomorrow20 to
subtlety .
Trade (1-1): germany03 for
subtlety 's blunt16.
Received (1): honoo01 as a gift from
animepam .
Trade (2-2): locket04 and mws04 for
phibby 's takatomon07 and blunt11.
Trade (1-1): bear14 for
stopping 's eighth11.
Received (1): kendo15 from
yamanaika .
Trade (4-4): burgers09, dog19, popular19, and esper09 for
wolfie_ 's koori15, kind09, goggles03, and eighth07.
2011june02: Received (1): yami13 from
tategamiwolf Crayon Trade (1-1): gray crayon away to
piraskel and received a red crayon in return.
Trade (2-2): dance18 and phantom19
disutansu 's pacifist08 and protective08.
2011june01: Trade (1-1): jealous14
bosom 's tomboy01.
2011may30: Trade (1-1): judge13 for
disutansu 's kendo02.
Received (4): friendship02, goggles13, hero02, and kind10 from
delite .
2011may29: Received (1): goggles04 from
yuidirnt .
2011may28: Received (1): friendship11 from
tategamiwolf Received (1): blueflame19 from
subtlety .
Trade (2-2): firefist03 and hyourinmaru17 for
mirajane 's reliability04 and crybaby18.
2011may27: Trade (1-1): observe08 for
yamachan01 's hero20.
Gifted (1): siscon18 to
subtlety .
Gifted (3): stern05, plugin20, and vines17 to
tategamiwolf .
2011may26: Trade (1-1): photographs07 for
stopping 's hikari06.
Gifted (1): stardust16 to
yuidirnt .
Received (2): koori09 and yami17 from
kirkland .