I Wish This Were a Joke

Apr 18, 2014 11:47

I wonder how many young'uns getting assigned Swift's A Modest Proposal1, imagine themselves mentally and morally superior to the yahoos of the 19th century.

I started reading this, and it's brilliant, I suppose:

Someone get this printed on a t-shirt:

“Free Megan Huntsman!”

Slap it on a bumper sticker. Start the campaign.

Megan Huntsman - every bit the same sort of feminist hero as Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards or Abortion Martyr George Tiller - is being persecuted. Prosecuted and persecuted before our very eyes (in the year 2014!) all for allegedly making a choice. A difficult choice, mind you. An alleged choice that she must have grappled with torturously.

She considered her options and, in the end, came to the conclusion that she wasn’t ready to be a mother. So she terminated her post-birth fetuses - six of them - and put them in boxes in her garage, according to the charges.

Police say that Ms. Huntsman has admitted to conducting this medical procedure, and why shouldn’t she admit to it? Why shouldn’t she have the freedom to make decisions about her life and her body, and why shouldn’t society herald her bravery in doing so?

(The rest is here)

And without even hitting the comments page, were I a betting woman, I'd bet there are plenty of readers up in arms at Walsh's desertion to the other side.

But as I read, I kept feeling sure that there are many young 'uns going through the mills of Academe who are murmuring Amen, brother! Preach it! as they read.2

On the bright side, those entitled, monopolistic, greedy parasites in the Academy have cranked the cost of college so high that ordinary decent parents are starting to bail. Those who've managed to emerge with some shred of a liberal education, ethics, and rationality have a real opportunity now. It's a chance to provide alternatives, or at least steer the young 'uns away from these festering Petri dishes of the intellect. Who knows? Perhaps we can have a generation that will read "This woman exercised her right to abort her infants, and now she’s being unjustly persecuted" with the same sense of reflexive disgust at the abuses of the 21st century, as ours did reading Swift.

One can hope.

1. Usually for the same reason they get Call of the Wild instead of White Fang. Heh.

2. Metaphorically speaking mind you. Progressives work hard to grind that kind of anti-social tendency out of young minds long before they reach high school or college.

rampageous opinionation

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