Dec 18, 2005 01:08
I HATE Michigan. Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. We had a white Thanksgiving and it's basically been that way since then. With the exception of a few days where it warmed up enough to rain.
The question was raised today... "What is the opposite of undefeated?" My answer? "The Detroit Lions"
Which reminds me, the Superbowl is going to be in Detroit this year. I'll say a prayer for all the rich white people who got tickets. LOCK YOUR DOORS! Do NOT travel alone, or without a 7' bodyguard with you at all times. That city is not safe. For anyone.
Oh, and let's not forget the bit in the news this week. Detroit has a hard time with broken down buildings. The city just won't tear them down, so they're sitting there Basicaly, theyve become either crack houses or playgrounds for children. Anyway, the news story was about some mysterious person with too much time and money on their hands. They went around and painted these buildings bright ORANGE on the sides that are facing major highways. So now when ALL those people come up to watch the biggest game of the year they'll see these ugly orange piles of rubble and wonder why the city hasn't gotten rid of them. HA!!! What a good idea.... Maybe someone should paint Scott hall bright orange.
One more thing. I love my mother, but she is WRONG. You're only hurting people with your stubborness, mom! You're being very inconsiderate, rude, and downright mean. Shame on you.