Life just has to test me.

Jan 06, 2009 00:36

There are days when I wonder just how far the gods have to test me before they are either satisfied or they get bored and decide to pick on some other mortal.

So the emotions going all out of whack just wasn't enough of a screwing by the gods to see if I'd break and go ape shit crazy or if I could some how hold on to how the Buddha would have me act. Ouch so hard not to go ape shit crazy. Stupid childish shit written on the calender just to see if they could push my buttons. So I turned a copy of the bill for the glasses into the big boss figuring if they had any trouble they could go to him instead of riding my ass about the retarded glasses. Like safety glasses are the worst thing OSAH could ever find with the place.

Oh but that's not enough because now there is the whole thing about if we are going to do lay offs or not. Personally I'd rather just get laid off and start looking for other work rather than looking for work while everyone starved on short time.

Damn I hope the gods get bored and move on to the next mortal to torment. Would be my smegging luck to get the safety glasses and not have the job they swore I needed them for.


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