Just how do I get so unlucky?

May 27, 2008 09:47

For Monday I had promised a friend I'd take them into the city to look for used books, comic books, over priced coffee, toys and some place to eat that you can't eat at locally. Not that the local food is really all that bad, it's just some times you want something different to break up the sameness of life.

Really couldn't afford the trip, but then I guess maybe Buddha was looking after me this trip. I thought with hard times people would be selling off some of their old books and maybe I could pick up something written by the Dali Lama. All they had was Zen Buddhism and that's really not the the patch I'm looking for, I'm looking for that mix of modern and old that the Dali Lama sometimes calls part of the middle patch. But nothing in religion or any other books that called out to me to be read. Still sort of an odd feeling to be surrounded by books in this all too digital age.

Comic books, ouch have they reached such a slump or has being tight with money made me so damn picky? Of course Bomb Queen was a must get even though I'll end up getting the trade edition later on as well. The book is just so wrong being truly adult but at main stream quality writing and art. Ended up with the preview issue to All Hail Megatron since it's a Transformers project that's really bringing back the Transformers excitement for me. I know I'm just such a villains fan but after the movie my gods someone owes us some butt kicking really bad cons.

Target and once again Buddha seemed with me because there just weren't enough toys to tempt me too hard. Okay the German on motorcycle from the Indie line was sort of tempting but making sure I have enough food and gas money was far more tempting. Then me and my friend got to find out how smegging old we are. There was this little showing his ass in Target by raking things off the shelf onto the floor. Of course being modern parents they did hardly anything about it. I mean damn I don't care what color you are if your kid is behaving that badly you need to do some damn something about, go all grand dad from the Boondocks on his little ass. Then we are attempting to eat and some parents bring in their underage daughter in clothes you'd normally see a street walker wearing. Oh by the blessed Buddha don't they know there are pedophiles out there? I know it was warm but damn it wasn't warm enough that your little girl needs here ass checks hanging out of some shorts she must have worn 3 years ago.

Oh and since another friend is on medications she thought it was the sunlight that screwed up my pulse rate and shit on Saturday. Great I'm not used to avoiding the summer sun.

Topped off with I was watching TV and washing dishes when the power went out about 10:00 last night and was out until after 12:30. Guess you get used to the light of modern life and forget just how damn dark it can get until you lose that modern life.

Then more trouble sleeping and waking up too early with an overwhelming feeling of worry. Damn there are times when I'd really like to be normal.
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