Such a damn geek!

May 25, 2008 21:36

So did I do anything sexy, dangerous, or recover from something more than lawn mowing with my Sunday? Oh hell no.

Watched too much of the Sunday morning talk shows to see how the Clinton screw up statement would play out. Rather disappointing how much people have down played it. We all know that the people who run for the White House put themselves into the cross hairs because there is always some insane person out to accomplish something by political assignation, but no one is tasteless enough to even suggest staying in the race because maybe someone will take a shot at the black guy. Well Clinton went there and they played it off as the stress. Stress, good gods do you know what job she's running for. Crunch time comes and Americas friends and enemies aren't going to be nice about miss speaking just because you are having a tough time. Sure Bush makes it look like any old idiot can do the job but look at how presidents age in office, no higher stress job than President.

Then I got sort of paranoid at the grocery store. Guess it was because I was closer to my grand parents and great grand parents than my parents so I guess I inherited a fear of going hungry when times get tough. Yes society has put safety nets in but in the time of grand parents in the rural south going hungry was still a real danger. Noticed I buy more frozen and canned stuff when money gets to be a worry. Guess in some ways I end up stuck in a past I didn't even live myself.

Then because politics wasn't geeky enough I had to watch the Mars landing. Well okay watching is sort of a strong word because all you could really do is watch animations of what the landing should be like and hear NASA experts tell you the lander has signaled this or that. Oh and with a 10 minute delay for the radio waves things were long over before we could get word back on Earth. Still pretty exciting stuff for the geek set since they did land in the arctic region and they can probe the ice of Mars at last.

I guess there are worse things than food in your belly and expanding your mind. Just sounds rather boring compared to what other people are doing.
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