Dear Yuletide Writer (I Adore You Already)--

Oct 09, 2017 00:26

Dear Yuletide Writer,

Whomever you are, I want you to know right off the bat that whatever you write for me, I will love it. I already do, because here you are, having signed up to write for a (possible) stranger in a rare fandom that we both share, and that is better than gold.

Please, be reassured that in both my signup and here I'm aiming to provide a number of different prompts that I'd love to see written and that might spark your imagination, and I do not expect you to smush answers to all my questions into one story. Take what works for you and discard the rest.

Additionally, I know it's right there in the rules, but I want to stress that I know the details are optional, and while I've tried to offer a range of characters, pairings and prompts, if none of them excite you, or you're simply not able to make them work, don't worry. I will still be so excited to see a fic written in one of my four chosen fandoms that the rest will just be icing. But if you're looking for a bit more direction, or you just want to know a little more about my preferences, I hope this letter will help. All of my fic - with the exception of much of Words/Silence/Flesh (co-written LotRPF WIP) and some silly email spam parodies - has been archived on AO3.

...So, you may have picked up that I'm a slasher. Despite being a dyed-in-the-wool slasher, I do read/write het and gen from time to time, so if slash isn't your thing, don't worry overmuch. In the fandoms in which I'm asking for it, I'm honestly just looking for a scenario that acknowledges that type of relationship between the characters, not a NC-17 pornfest. (Although that is totally ok too! If all you want to do is write me some smut, I am so down with that! ♥) While I'm not religious, I'm very fond of the secular aspects of Christmas (the decorations, traditions, weather, etc.), so if you want to write a seasonal story, I'm all for it!

Other things I'm fond of in fiction include historical uniforms/well-fitted suits/period costumes; kink/BDSM (not 24/7 formalized D/s, however); power exchanges/struggles between powerful characters; established relationships; hurt/comfort scenarios where one party is (temporarily) injured/incapacitated and as a result, feelings are realized/revealed; and characters who are comfortably intimate with one another, both inside and outside the bedroom, and/or as friends. I dislike watersports, scatological play, MPREG, cross-dressing, genderswapping, bestiality, chronic/terminal illnesses, diminutive nicknames, phonetically spelled-out accents and character bashing (not even under the guise of humour). I also don't believe that what we do online is an accurate representation of our activism offline, nor that giftfic is an appropriate place for "teachable moments," so I'd rather avoid issuefic, soapbox stories and/or tales where the author's politics are obviously on display, if that's ok.

More than any of that, however, what really makes me happy is fiction with a good grasp of grammar and spelling.

I'm going to take a stab at offering up what I love about each fandom (as well as reposting my requests in italics, because in reading around, I see that some people prefer to have the request details repeated in the Yuletide letter; I hope this is helpful).

I'm not much of a fannish butterfly, so my Yuletide fandoms of choice tend to stay fairly stable over the years. I try to freshen up those repeat prompts where I can, although of course the things I love about each canon don't change too much. This year is all old favourites for me, and while I've added to some of the prompts, much of them have stayed the same, because they're preferences developed over time. Just because the prompts are similar/the same from year to year, however, doesn't mean I am less enthused about any of them. They're favourites because I literally cannot get enough of them, and I always enjoy seeing different spins on these themes. With that said, my apologies if you've been assigned to me before; I hope it'll feel more like a happy accident than a disappointment.

The Borgias (2011)

Requested Characters: Cesare Borgia, Micheletto

Optional Details: "I would adore a Cesare/Micheletto slash story, whether that's G rated or NC-17, and whether it's unresolved sexual tension, or completely resolved and reciprocated. I know the series ends with Micheletto seemingly going his own way, but I've read The Borgia Apocalypse screenplay, and I know Neil Jordan didn't intend for their partnership to end there, and of course, historically speaking, Micheletto was loyal to Cesare to the bitter end, so I'd love a story that takes that into account, whether it's set before, after, or during their break. I would be happy with pretty much anything that explores their relationship some more, whether that's through a plotty adventure/political scheme or something more introspective/vignette-y. I would truly adore something post-series. I'd love to see how the two of them come back together after everything's fallen apart, if that's a thread you want to follow. How does that happen? Have they changed/matured in the time they've been away from each other? Are there hurts left to heal? Do they fall easily back into old patterns, or are there new things they've realized about themselves/each other? Are they angry? Happy? At peace? Or maybe you'd like to write something far beyond fixing what was broken between them. That would also be wonderful, to see them further in the future. How has their alliance stayed the same/changed/strengthened amongst changing fortunes and other people's duplicities?

Or if you'd rather write something during the series (also great), what are they like together when they're at their leisure? What's it like for Micheletto, always in the shadows behind Cesare, forever watching out for him and the Borgia family? How does his loyalty manifest when he's in the middle of some foul task specifically performed for Cesare? (And here I'm thinking about all the torture, murder and violence he does in Cesare's name, but it could be anything! Ex: What did Giuliano della Rovere ask of Micheletto while he was "undercover" with the Cardinal? Did Micheletto think about Cesare while carrying out della Rovere's commands? Did Cesare think of Micheletto and all the things he was no doubt enduring in della Rovere's house?) How does Cesare view his stray dog? We see lots of evidence of Micheletto's loyalty to his lord, but how does Cesare's manifest? If you want to go dark, that's ok by me. I find some of the more extreme things the two of them have done (to each other and in service to each other) as fascinating and compelling as they are disturbing."

I am deeply in love with this version of the Borgias. I love how twisted and dysfunctional the whole family is, how they love each other fiercely, hate each other just as violently, and how the solutions to all their problems are always just the worst decisions ever. I love most of the characters, and love to hate the rest.

In terms of the characters I'm requesting, I am in love with the depth of Micheletto's fierce loyalty to Cesare, and the weird, twisted ways this manifests in their relationship. I love that Micheletto is forever lurking in the background, looking out for Cesare, even when Cesare doesn't know he needs him. I love that Cesare confides every creepy, vicious thought and plan he has to Micheletto, to the point where I wouldn't be surprised if Micheletto knows as much about Cesare as Lucrezia does. They're a perfect pair, and I think the moment in "Stray Dogs" when Cesare says, "You were once a stray dog, Micheletto. Masterless," and Micheletto replies, "I have found my master in you," sums it up perfectly.

While I was frustrated with what happened between Cesare and Micheletto in the final season, I loved so many of their scenes. I loved watching Micheletto save Cesare from Caterina Sforsa's exploding relic. I loved Cesare's reaction to Pascal's betrayal and the revelation that Micheletto is gay, and how for Cesare, the important part was not that Micheletto took another man to his bed, but that he was betrayed by a spy. That whole scene gets me every time, from the vast amount of emotion from Micheletto (and his conviction that Cesare should kill him on the spot) to the way Cesare covers his hands and refuses to place any blame on Micheletto even as he considers how best to exploit Pascal. I love how upset Cesare is when Micheletto leaves (after having to do such a horrible, awful thing), and I love how when Micheletto returns, he watches Cesare sleep and almost caresses his face before Cesare wakes up. (Technically creepy? Yep, but hey, The Borgias is not about appropriate boundaries and healthy relationships! ^_~) Really, pretty much every scene between Cesare and Micheletto, or every scene that even tangentially-relates to their relationship -- Lucrezia and Micheletto become besties in Naples, Cesare spends all his time grumbling about how no one is as good as Micheletto at anything -- makes me happy.

Crimson Peak (2015)

Requested Characters: Lucille Sharpe, Thomas Sharpe

Optional Details: "I would love a story about Thomas and Lucille's twisted relationship, of any rating. I'd love something pre-movie, whether that's about their shared childhood, before they decide to bilk (and murder) the ladies of Europe, or while they're conspiring against (and/or poisoning) one of Thomas' previous wives. I am *all* for the tropes of Gothic Romance, and I'm in love with the movie's landscape and atmosphere, so feel free to go as dark and creepy as you like. Perhaps something about the beginning of Thomas and Lucille's incestuous impulses? When did that happen? What was the cause/catalyst? Was their mother aware that they had decidedly adult desires for their own sibling? Was the abuse the reason that Thomas and Lucille looked to each other for love, or was the incest a convenient excuse to hurt them? Or perhaps something about Thomas becoming aware of the depth of Lucille's madness? When did it first manifest? What drove her to kill? How did he become so accepting? How did they hatch the plan to start conning women into marrying Thomas and then murdering them for their money? What was it like living in that house, either as one of Thomas' fated wives, or as Lucille or Thomas, as these plots spun out? What, if anything, tipped his wives off that they were being poisoned/something was going on between Thomas and his sister? What was it like for Thomas, watching Lucille poison his brides? What was it like for Lucille, watching Thomas play the doting husband (while rebuffing any use of the marital bed), yet still coming to her in private moments to consummate their own union over and over again?

Or maybe you want to write more about the ghost angle? How are Thomas and Lucille haunted by what they've done, if at all? Is one of them more haunted than the other? Are they at all aware of the literal ghosts in their home? Is it more a figurative haunting for one/both of them? There's plenty of room to play with the supernatural (or the psychological), and I'd love to see what you can do with it, if you're so inclined."

My god, the atmosphere of this movie was amazing. I loved how the landscape itself was a character, and how much detail and mood was embedded in every setting. I loved how colour was used to separate Lucille and Thomas from the other characters, as they were dressed in bold colours -- like Lucille's shockingly red dress, or their exceptionally black outfits -- while everyone else wore cooler, lighter colours, making the Sharpes stand out from all those around them (while signalling their dark and bloody pact). Crimson Peak itself was absolutely glorious in its horrible, run-down state, from the gigantic hole in the roof and the falling leaves/drifting snow/howling wind to the surprisingly well-furnished drawing rooms to the rickety elevator and cavernous mine entrance. It was such a monument to the utter rot shot through the Sharpe family, standing as it did on top of the very materials that could save it -- the clay from which they could make brick -- and yet Lucille and Thomas are so focussed on their own goals that they completely fail to shore up and make right their home and their lives.

I adored the way in which Crimson Peak plated with Gothic Romance tropes, especially the role of the innocent victim who needs saving, and the evil, controlling husband. I loved that Edith saved herself (and that her male protectors seemed far more interested in Thomas' marital status than the fact that he and his sister were knocking off women left, right and centre), and I loved that it turned out that Lucille, not Thomas, was the one really running the show. While the Sharpes are fascinating as equals in their crimes, there is something powerfully captivating about Thomas under Lucille's thumb, always ready to please her and do her bidding.

I was a bit disappointed that the plot, in the end, was very straightforward and the ghosts played a far smaller role than I'd expected them to, but the style, cinematography and acting were so overwhelmingly beautiful that it hardly mattered. And while I didn't find most of the ghosts all that frightening -- although there is something about voices from the past recorded on wax cylinders, the slight distortion of the medium warping speech just enough to give it a disturbingly otherworldly quality -- Edith's mother was utterly terrifying. I would not be averse to a story that did a little more with the ghosts, is what I'm saying. ^_~

...And while I know the dog died off-screen, I'm totally ok with you bringing it back, either as a wee ghost!dog or actually alive, should you wish. (Poor thing. I hate to think that it actually met a gruesome fate, horrible yelp and crunch notwithstanding.)

Eastern Promises (2007)

Requested Characters: Nikolai Luzhin, Kirill

Optional Details: "I'd love a Nikolai/Kirill slashfic of any rating. Perhaps post-movie, in the aftermath of Semyon's arrest, if that interests you? What's happened to the family? Who is in charge now? Has Kirill been punished like his father, or is Nikolai protecting him, and if so, what's motivating him to do so? What is Nikolai's relationship like with the FSB now? What are Nikolai's long-term plans? Do they involve Kirill? Has Kirill managed to gain and maintain Semyon's position of power? Has he become the man his father wanted him to be, or is he a different kind of leader? Or is he a leader at all? Does Nikolai stand at his right hand, or is he the puppeteer behind Kirill's rule? Or perhaps Kirill and Nikolai have moved beyond the family to another life? How did that happen? Did Nikolai bring the rest of the family down as promised, or did he turn his back on his responsibilities when he and Kirill left?

Or if you'd prefer something set at *any* time in the movie's continuity -- pre-, post- or sometime during -- maybe you'd like to explore Nikolai's view of Kirill's relationship with his father? (What does Nikolai think of the way Semyon abuses his son? The way he speaks about him, and raises Nikolai up while pushing Kirill down?) Or Nikolai's view of Kirill's relationship with his family (as individuals or as a business; he seemed very fond of his nieces, and not so terribly great as a business man)? If you'd like to write something more intimate, what about an encounter where Nikolai struggles to balance his cover and his (possible) feelings for Kirill? Kirill, of course, is victim and perpetrator rolled into one, so if you'd prefer to explore how that plays out -- maybe through a story from his point of view, or a scenario in which he now wields power over/is subservient to Nikolai -- that would be great too! I love the idea of Nikolai having complicated feelings towards Kirill, whatever that means for him, so long as he isn't simply using Kirill. Please, no Nikolai/Anna. I'm fine with angst, guilt and ambiguity in this fandom, although none of those are required (and I hold out a hope that Nikolai isn't simply using Kirill)."

I love this movie more than is reasonable, full stop. And there's so much to love about this film, as every time I watch it, I'm struck by something new. I'm especially entranced by how Cronenberg and his cast let the silences stand rather than giving in to the urge to spell everything out, and how so much is communicated in such subtle looks, gestures, and even posture. I love Kirill and Nikolai's relationship, and the very obvious differences in how they view one another -- Kirill looking to Nikolai for affection while trying to hide his sexuality, and Nikolai (possibly) seeing Kirill as a means to an end -- not to mention the "verbal petting" in the form of "Da, da, Kirill," Nikolai applies whenever he is trying to calm or handle Kirill. I'm fascinated by the undercurrent of compassion that Nikolai displays towards Kirill, including when he stands up to Semyon's abuse, and how he holds Kirill at the end of the film after little Christine has been saved.

While I'm most fascinated by Nikolai and Kirill's relationship, I'm also deeply curious about Nikolai's past (How much of what he reveals in the film is real and how much is fiction?) and Kirill's relationship with Semyon. The latter seems especially complex, given how the movie plays out, and I must admit to finding Semyon more and more fascinating each time I watch the film. The thin veneer of civility covering his brutal nature is something to see, and I completely understand why Azim would be more afraid of Semyon than anyone else. Obviously, I didn't request Semyon, as I'm more focussed on Nikolai and Kirill, but I'm not averse to stories that include him/references to him if you'd like to. (And if you'd rather not, that is absolutely fine too!) Kirill, after all, is a product of his father, and how Semyon has raised and treated him has made him into the victim and perpetrator he is.

I am deeply in love with the ambiguities that flow through this movie. I also adore the tattoo motif*, because I find the idea of words/meaning as flesh fascinating; even moreso given the mix of languages represented in the film (and oh, I did so love all the Russian accents).

*Much love to nikkie222 for this amazing post cataloguing and detailing the meaning of as many of Nikolai's 43 tattoos as possible.

Killjoys (TV)

Requested Characters: Johnny Jaqobis, Khlyen, Lucy

Optional Details: "For this request, I'd be happy with a John/Lucy story, a John/Khlyen story, or a John/Khlyen/Lucy tale. ...Basically, what I'm saying is I'd love any combination of John with Lucy and/or Khlyen. As with all my requests, I prefer relationship-based stories, and I'm happy with all ratings.

I love everyone in this show, but John is my favourite, and I adore his attachment to Lucy (and vice versa). I would love a story that showcases this relationship with Lucy, and how she favours him over the rest of the crew. Is Lucy "in love" with John? Why, and how did that happen? Is it because he is the most invested in her maintenance? Is it because he treats her more like an autonomous being? ...And what about John? How does he *really* feel about Lucy? What kind of bond does he maintain with her? How does he think about her, either before or after their kiss? As a computer? A ship? Or something more? The scene at the end of Season 2, where Lucy tries to prevent John from leaving, nearly broke my heart. What was it like from Lucy's perspective? How might memories of Lucy affect John while he's on the run?

I also love Khlyen. I love how dark and twisted and amoral he is, how detached he is from messy things like emotions and regret, how obscure his motives are for most of his time onscreen, and how he (usually) tolerates the Jaqobis for Dutch's sake. I would love, love, love to see him get his hands on John and -- short of killing or permanently hurting him -- have his way with John. Does he need to physically/psychologically torture John for a particular piece of information? Do they end up trapped alone together, and have to reluctantly work with each other to escape a terrible situation? Does Khlyen simply... abduct John so he can toy with him? There's plenty of room for darkfic and/or some predatory/prey behaviour between the two of them. Maybe John tries to flip the script and get one up on Khlyen? Would that even work? ...If you can work Lucy in as well, I'd be utterly thrilled, whether Khlyen is using her against John (By threatening harm? By altering her program?), or as an asset to get John out of the situation, or as the main "person" searching for John, etc.

Given Khlyen's end in Season 2, and his reappearance in the Green at the end of Season 3, I'd also be thrilled to see what you might do with the Green version of Khlyen, if that's something that piques your interest! Do Dutch and Aneela bring him out of the Green? Is he more like the man he was before he became one of the Hullen? How does Johnny react to that version? Or maybe you want to play with Green versions of Khlyen *and* Johnny? If the Green is a repository of memories, what are Dutch's versions of Khlyen and Johnny like?"

I was surprised how much I enjoyed Killjoys in Season 1, and Season 2 and 3 keep the intrigue coming! When I first heard of it, I was fully expecting it to just be a fun space opera/romp with one of the Ashmore boys, and it turned out to be so much more than that! I am, as I said, deeply intrigued by the relationship between Lucy and John, and I would love to know how authentic it is for Lucy (vs. some sort of human programming/interfacing quirk). But I'm also really fascinated by the world of the Killjoys themselves, from the minutia of their profession to the clashing and uprisings of the various classes (the Nine! the Hullen! the miners! the Hackmods! the Scarbacks! the Killjoys themselves!) to the whole planetary system and its structure. I found myself really wrapped up in the intrigues going on between Dutch and Khlyen, and what kind of ramifications Khlyen and Level 6 had for the whole crew. Khlyen's sacrifice, while narratively sound, was a real punch in the gut for me, because I felt like there was so much more still there to explore.

I find I'm always interested in John's relationships with the other characters. For instance, I'm still exceptionally curious about the fallout around D'Avin stabbing John and nearly killing him. I loved his face-off with D'Avin, when he finally poured out all his resentment and anger at his brother, and his declaration that he was done fixing things. I'm really curious about those years where he said he sacrificed so much for his brother and their family, and how that has influenced his choices since.

Honestly, I love pretty much all the characters on the show, and don't object to them appearing in fic. I'm fascinated by Alvis and his order, and I adored watching Dutch, John and D'Avin disguise themselves as Scarbacks, and then that whole moment in Season 2 where John gives the blessing, and later fesses up that he doesn't believe. That entire encounter was absolutely rivetting. (I'm also still in mourning for Alvis' untimely passing; there was another character whom I adored and felt like had so much more yet to explore.) Pree has been kickass since his very first appearance on the show, and during "Dutch and the Real Girl" (S02E01) all I wanted to do was smush him together with John. I loved the way John and Pree played off each other, and it gave Pree more room to stretch and develop as a character, and I really appreciated that.

I'm also fascinated by the limits of the Green, and the possibilities embedded in it now that Dutch and Aneela have entered it. I love the importance of memory to the series, from the memories of the individual characters to the collective memory of the Green to the loss/gain/altering of memories to Dutch's speech about how the universe itself has a memory. (That was an absolutely wonderful bit of writing.) I also love how Killjoys turns the usual "Big Bad" on its head: for all of Seasons 1-2, Khlyen was their biggest antagonist... until he wasn't. For all of Seasons 2-3, Aneela was their biggest threat... until she wasn't. I can't wait to see what happens in Seasons 4 and 5.

Honestly, Killjoys is just so full of promise that there are a thousand and one questions I have about it. I am fascinated by the main cast, but also all the other secondary characters, like Alvis, Khlyen, Pree and Aneela. It's turned out to not just be a return to the space operas of the past, but it's packing some fascinating ideas and plotlines that keep me wanting more and more.

Ok, hopefully all that helped rather than made things harder. Again, absolutely everything I've said here is optional and up for ignoring, partially or wholesale. After all, it's not like I'm ordering dinner; I'm really just flailing wildly and offering up far too much info.

Thank you again, Yuletide Writer. I'm so very excited about the exchange, and I know I'm going to love whatever you write for me. ♥


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