Dear Yuletide Writer,
Whomever you are, I want you to know right off the bat that whatever you write for me, I will love it. I already do, because here you are, having signed up to write for a (possible) stranger in a rare fandom that we both share, and that is better than gold.
Please, be reassured that in both my signup and here I'm aiming to provide a number of different prompts that I'd love to see written and that might spark your imagination, and I do not expect you to smush answers to all my questions into one story. Take what works for you and discard the rest.
Additionally, I know it's right there in the rules, but I want to stress that I know the details are optional, and while I've tried to offer a range of characters, pairings and prompts, if none of them excite you, or you're simply not able to make them work, don't worry. I will still be so excited to see a fic written in one of my six chosen fandoms that the rest will just be icing. But if you're looking for a bit more direction, or you just want to know a little more about my preferences, I hope this letter will help. All of my fic - with the exception of much of Words/Silence/Flesh (co-written LotRPF WIP) and some silly email spam parodies - has been
archived on AO3.
...So, you may have picked up that I'm a slasher. Despite being a dyed-in-the-wool slasher, I do read/write het and gen from time to time, so if slash isn't your thing, don't worry overmuch. In the fandoms in which I'm asking for it, I'm honestly just looking for a scenario that acknowledges that type of relationship between the characters, not a NC-17 pornfest (although that is totally ok too!). While I'm not religious, I'm very fond of the secular aspects of Christmas (the decorations, traditions, weather, etc.), so if you want to write a seasonal story, I'm all for it!
Other things I'm fond of in fiction include historical uniforms/well-fitted suits/period costumes; kink/BDSM (not 24/7 formalized D/s, however); power exchanges/struggles between powerful characters; established relationships; hurt/comfort scenarios where one party is (temporarily) injured/incapacitated and as a result, feelings are realized/revealed; and characters who are comfortably intimate with one another, both inside and outside the bedroom, and/or as friends. I dislike watersports, scatological play, MPREG, cross-dressing, genderswapping, bestiality, chronic/terminal illnesses, diminutive nicknames, phonetically spelled-out accents and character bashing (not even under the guise of humour). I also don't believe that what we do online is an accurate representation of our activism offline, nor that giftfic is an appropriate place for "teachable moments," so I'd rather avoid issuefic, soapbox stories and/or tales where the author's politics are obviously on display, if that's ok.
More than any of that, however, what really makes me happy is fiction with a good grasp of grammar and spelling.
I'm going to take a stab at offering up what I love about each fandom (as well as reposting my requests in italics, because in reading around, I see that some people prefer to have the request details repeated in the Yuletide letter; I hope this is helpful).
I'm not much of a fannish butterfly, so my Yuletide fandoms of choice tend to stay fairly stable over the years. Only two of my fandoms this year, however, are ones I've requested before. (I'm just as shocked as anyone reading this who knows me, believe me! ^_^) I try to freshen up those repeat prompts where I can, although of course the things I love about each canon don't change too much. My apologies if you've been assigned to me before; I hope it'll feel more like a happy accident than a disappointment.
Almost Human
Requested Characters: Dorian, John Kennex
Optional Details: "I'd love a Dorian/John slash story, whether it's G or NC-17. I'm fascinated by the Wall, so I'd love a story that integrates it. What if one or both of them has to go over the Wall? Why might that happen? What's it like there? What do they find there? Is there a scenario where John or Dorian would have to go over without the other? Would they go alone? Why? What would drive the other one to follow (or not)? What's the Wall for? Is it keeping people/things out or in? ...These are the questions I wish the show had been able to answer for us. But maybe you know? Maybe you have an idea for a Wall story?
Or maybe you'd like to explore what it is that makes John and Dorian "special." The Captain says that John and Dorian are a good match because they're both special. What does she mean? With John, it's possible to guess that his qualities as a person and detective are what make him stand out (or is there something else the Captain was thinking about as well?), but why is Dorian special? Does it have something to do with that whole swathe of redacted material in his files, about his history before he joined the police force? Or does it have something to do with the DRN series' "flawed" synthetic soul? How might that play out? Who might find out and why were they looking in the first place?
Or perhaps you'd prefer to write something closer to home. I'd love a story about John and Dorian's relationship outside of work. Dorian asked to move in with John, and John said no. What if he changed his mind or had no choice but to let him stay? What would that be like? I love the way Dorian and John's partnership develops over the course of the series (if you're watching the episodes in production rather than aired order), and I love how John goes from an unrepentant android hater to grudgingly seeing his new partner's usefulness, and then becoming rather fond of him (for all he tries to hide it). I'd be just as thrilled with a story that focussed on how they relate to each other; after all, the snap and crackle of their back-and-forth exchanges, the snarky wit and gently teasing humour is such fun. Getting beneath that, to where neither of them are putting up a front, would also be delightful to see."
Almost Human is one of those shows where I feel like it had so much potential and was squashed before it had enough time to explore it. I'm fascinated by its worldbuilding, from the large things, like the inSyndicate, the Wall, and the preponderance of technology and androids, to the smaller, more precise details, like Dorian's redacted background, John's wall of digital post-it-notes, and Valerie's status as a Chrome. There's so much to play with there, so many questions waiting to be asked and answered.
I also have a big soft spot for close partnerships, sometimes with a minor power imbalance, sometimes without, where the individual characters grow close over time until they're essential to each other, and truly care about one another. John and Dorian were definitely on that track. I love John's gruff grumpiness and how it acts as a protective shield against the outside world. So much has happened to him, and he has such good reasons for being mistrustful of everything and everyone around him that it's no wonder he presents himself that way. I love that he trusts Sandra, however, and that the two of them can talk candidly with each other. And I love how Dorian is a counterpoint to that mistrust, as he has such an open heart. I like that the show doesn't play him as naive, but rather as someone open to new experiences and people. Some of my favourite moments are the ones in which Dorian is expressing that openness, like when he's gently teasing John in the car, or cajoling him into taking Dorian and Rudy out to a bar, or, rather more poignantly, when he sits with Vanessa when she's deactivated, and his demonstration of empathy for DRN-494, when he leaves DRN-494's memory of Philip, the boy he saved, intact. I love that the (production order) episodes show John and Dorian slowly warming to each other and becoming something more than partners, so that John is slowly shedding his mistrust of this one particular android even as he continues to growl about everything else.
I suppose it's not a new theme that Almost Human is exploring, the nature of humanity and the soul, but it's one that science fiction returns to over and over again, and I, for one, continue to be fascinated by it. What makes someone "human," after all? Is there really such a thing as a soul? What is it? If we become like gods ourselves by making technology/beings in our own images, at what point do those things become human? Do they have souls? Is humanity a category or a quality? Can an android be more human (and more humane) than a human? Do androids dream of electric sheep?
The Borgias (2011)
Requested Characters: Micheletto, Cesare Borgia
Optional Details: "I would adore a Cesare/Micheletto slash story, whether that's G rated or NC-17, and whether it's unresolved sexual tension, or completely resolved and reciprocated. I know the series ends with Micheletto seemingly going his own way, but I've read The Borgia Apocalypse screenplay, and I know Neil Jordan didn't intend for their partnership to end there, and of course, historically speaking, Micheletto was loyal to Cesare to the bitter end, so I'd love a story that takes that into account, whether it's set before, after, or during their break. I would be happy with pretty much anything that explores their relationship some more, whether that's through a plotty adventure/political scheme or something more introspective/vignette-y. Do you want to write something post-series? I'd love to see how the two of them come back together after everything's fallen apart, if that's a thread you want to follow. How does that happen? Have they changed/matured in the time they've been away from each other? Are there hurts left to heal? Do they fall easily back into old patterns, or are there new things they've realized about themselves/each other? Are they angry? Happy? At peace? Or maybe you'd like to write something far beyond fixing what was broken between them. That would also be wonderful, to see them further in the future. How has their alliance stayed the same/changed/strengthened amongst changing fortunes and other people's duplicities?
Or if you'd rather write something during the series (also great), what are they like together when they're at their leisure? What's it like for Micheletto, always in the shadows behind Cesare, forever watching out for him and the Borgia family? How does his loyalty manifest when he's in the middle of some foul task specifically performed for Cesare? (And here I'm thinking about all the torture, murder and violence he does in Cesare's name, but it could be anything!) How does Cesare view his stray dog? We see lots of evidence of Micheletto's loyalty to his lord, but how does Cesare's manifest? If you want to go dark, that's ok by me. I find some of the more extreme things the two of them have done (to each other and in service to each other) as fascinating and compelling as they are disturbing."
I am deeply in love with this version of the Borgias. I love how twisted and dysfunctional the whole family is, how they love each other fiercely, hate each other just as violently, and how the solutions to all their problems are always just the worst decisions ever. I love most of the characters, and love to hate the rest.
In terms of the characters I'm requesting, I am in love with the depth of Micheletto's fierce loyalty to Cesare, and the weird, twisted ways this manifests in their relationship. I love that Micheletto is forever lurking in the background, looking out for Cesare, even when Cesare doesn't know he needs him. I love that Cesare confides every creepy, vicious thought and plan he has to Micheletto, to the point where I wouldn't be surprised if Micheletto knows as much about Cesare as Lucrezia does. They're a perfect pair, and I think the moment in "Stray Dogs" when Cesare says, "You were once a stray dog, Micheletto. Masterless," and Micheletto replies, "I have found my master in you," sums it up perfectly.
While I was frustrated with what happened between Cesare and Micheletto in the final season, I loved so many of their scenes. I loved watching Micheletto save Cesare from Caterina Sforsa's exploding relic. I loved Cesare's reaction to Pascal's betrayal and the revelation that Micheletto is gay, and how for Cesare, the important part was not that Micheletto took another man to his bed, but that he was betrayed by a spy. That whole scene gets me every time, from the vast amount of emotion from Micheletto (and his conviction that Cesare should kill him on the spot) to the way Cesare covers his hands and refuses to place any blame on Micheletto even as he considers how best to exploit Pascal. I love how upset Cesare is when Micheletto leaves (after having to do such a horrible, awful thing), and I love how when Micheletto returns, he watches Cesare sleep and almost caresses his face before Cesare wakes up. (Technically creepy? Yep, but hey, The Borgias is not about appropriate boundaries and healthy relationships! ^_~) Really, pretty much every scene between Cesare and Micheletto, or every scene that even tangentially-relates to their relationship -- Lucrezia and Micheletto become besties in Naples, Cesare spends all his time grumbling about how no one is as good as Micheletto at anything -- makes me happy.
Endgame (TV)
Requested Characters: Arkady Balagan, Oleg Olesky
Optional Details: "I would love a Arkady/Oleg slash story, whether that's G rated or NC-17. This is one of those series where I just want to know what's going on! If you have a theory as to why Rosemary was killed, then please, feel free to explore that here. Do you want to pick up directly after Arkady is dumped back in front of the Huxley at the end of episode 13? I'm all for that! Or maybe explore what that abduction has done to his agoraphobia? Does he turn to Oleg? Does he hide any damage it's done from everyone? If you have them, I am looking for answers.
"If you don't, though, that's ok too, because I'd just love to see Arkady being Arkady and Oleg being Oleg. Do you have some ideas as to what Oleg is going to do now that he's out of a job? Does he visit the Huxley much, or is he off and away with another private company in need of cosmonauts? Would you prefer to write a story in which Arkady and Oleg reminisce about Russia? About leaving Russia? Or about what it was like before the Huxley, when they were both still in/travelling to-and-from Russia? How do they individually feel about their mother country? Does Oleg go back much now? ...How much chess can the two of them conceivably play before they need to sleep/eat/do anything else?"
I really love Endgame, and it makes me sad that it has effectively been cancelled and virtually no one I know has seen it. There's so much to love about this show, from the fact that it is unapologetically Canadian (no hiding where it takes place going on here!), to the way the Huxley is one big, weird, cranky family who has adopted that deeply frustrating, arrogant Russian gentleman who just won't pay his bill or leave.
If you want to take advantage of the Vancouver locale, that would be wonderful! I'm Canadian myself, and would be utterly charmed if you're keeping in mind cultural differences and quirks that distinguish Canadians from their southern neighbours. (You don't have to point it out, of course; I'm thinking more along the lines of simply preserving the Canadian feel of the show/characters.)
In terms of the characters I've requested, I love how touchy-feely Oleg is, and how absolutely overjoyed the two of them are to see each other. Arkady's regard and fondness for Oleg is obvious from the very first moment of "Huxley, We Have a Problem," and Pippa certainly brings up the suggestion of a romantic relationship at the beginning when she says, "You'd think this guy was your boyfriend or something." The depth of their relationship (however you read it), is definitely there. As for Arkady, I love how over the course of the series we see a range of his characteristics: he's arrogant and amazingly intelligent, he's broken and grieving, he's impetuous and difficult, but he genuinely cares about people, and he's able and willing to apologize when he's hurt someone. I'd love to see a story where any of that plays out in the context of their relationship.
The Following
Requested Characters: Mike Weston, Ryan Hardy, Joe Carroll
Optional Details: "I would adore a Joe Carroll/Ryan Hardy, Mike Weston/Ryan Hardy slash story (or even Joe/Ryan/Mike, if you want!), whether that's G rated or NC-17, and whether it's unresolved sexual tension, or completely resolved and reciprocated. The Following is my twisted up angsty place. It feels like Ryan is consistently pulled in different directions, between light and dark influences. After all he's gone through, is he still a good man? Is he so broken he can never be whole again? Does chasing Joe keep him from becoming Joe?
I would love a story about Mike dealing with the spectre of Joe in his relationship with Ryan. How does Mike feel about Ryan, really? Does Ryan know how Mike feels about him? If he does know, does he take Mike for granted? Why are they together? Is Ryan looking for nothing more than stability and comfort, and thinks Mike can give that to him? Or does he see something more between the two of them? Or perhaps you want to write about Joe's obsession with Ryan. That would be brilliant too! How does he feel about Mike in relation to Ryan? Is Mike in his way? Is he jealous? Does he view Mike as nothing more than a minor obstacle? What's going on in that twisted head of his?
Or perhaps you'd prefer to write something darker. What if Joe sets a trap for or captures Mike or Ryan with the express purpose of drawing the other one in? What might that look like? What happens during the kidnapping/captivity? How does Joe draw either the initial captive or the rescuer in? What are his motives? How does the whole scenario play out? What's the aftermath? I'm good with however you want to write something like this, whether it's dark, or wrong, or hot, or dark, wrong and hot... (If you could just keep away from major, unhealable mutilation/injury or main character death, I'd appreciate it, though.)"
When I first started watching The Following, I was immediately captivated by the cat-and-mouse, push-pull game being played between Ryan and Joe. I was fascinated by the way in which two men on entirely different sides of the law could become so obsessed with each other (and with Claire).
Joe's original cult fascinated me, especially in how it differed from the other cults he's crossed paths with as the show has progressed. Joe has that perfect magnetism that draws people to him, after all, whether they believe in him at first or not, and he demands a standard of loyalty that goes well beyond common sense. (I remain entranced not just by Emma's relationship with Joe, but also how Jacob and Paul related to Joe, Emma, and each other. There was so much story packed into their little Emma/Jacob/Paul family, and I wish we'd been able to see more of them.)
In thinking about Joe as a cult leader (and a cult of personality), it occurred to me that Ryan has a bit of a cult following too, and I love how that plays directly into the idea that Joe and Ryan are two sides of the same coin: forever polar opposites, but forever attached to each other. At some point, the two of them stopped being able to function (or possibly even exist) without the other one in the world somewhere, working against them. Although Ryan isn't actively trying to create a cult, it's interesting how he always has his own Emma in the form of Mike Weston. Even when they're at odds, Mike will do almost anything for Ryan, and he remains fiercely loyal when the chips are down. I wonder how much Mike functions as Ryan's conscience as Ryan goes further and further down his own dark path. Or rather, I wonder if Mike can maintain that conscience, given that he killed Lily in cold blood. It seems like Mike is on his own path to follow Ryan into the dark.
This is a little random to tack onto the end, but I have to say that I also really enjoy the references to Edgar Allan Poe and Joe's (failed) literary career. I always have a soft spot for literary references in other media, and I must admit, it tickles me that Joe Carroll, impressive literature professor, is a complete failure as a writer, and feels a lot of impotent rage over that. They're just bad books, Joe. You don't have to kill people over it. ^_~
Murdoch Mysteries
Requested Characters: William Murdoch, Julia Ogden, James Pendrick
Optional Details: "I would love a story about Murdoch/Pendrick, Murdoch/Julia, or Pendrick/Murdoch/Julia, whether it's G rated or NC-17. I love Murdoch best when he's being reluctantly drawn into another altercation/conversation/scheme with James Pendrick, and when he's being charmingly charmed by Julia Ogden. If you want to turn those scenarios into something sexier, I am all for it! Or perhaps you'd like to write about another time in which Pendrick and Murdoch cross paths, and what new scheme or invention Pendrick is embroiled in. Perhaps you'd like to explore what happens when Murdoch and Pendrick (begrudgingly) begin to realize that they aren't at odds as often as they think. Are they capable of being friends? Or just friendly? If you're interested in higher rated stories, how does "not exactly friends" work out in the bedroom?
Or perhaps Pendrick, Murdoch and Julia encounter each other in a social situation. What's that like? How do they relate to each other now that Pendrick's wife Sally is on the lam? (And presumably out of the picture? Or is James not quite ready to call his marriage over?) Perhaps Pendrick and Julia conspire together to gently tip Murdoch off-kilter? Nobody flusters him better than either of them separately. What happens when they're working together? Or maybe you want to write about Julia and William's relationship? Before the wedding? After it? What do their lives look like now that they're finally together? Did you want to write about the two of them flirting over a crime scene? Or simply being their delightful selves together, out and about in the world? Is your story one in which Julia and Murdoch find their morals/ethics/sensibilities at odds, and must find a way to resolve them? Or is Julia in the midst of standing up for the rights of others and once again crossing paths with the law?
I find Murdoch Mysteries utterly charming, and the Canadiana, the 'accidental' prototypes of what will be later inventions, and the historical characters that show up are all things that make me smile. (I also love all the other characters, so feel free to populate your tale as you see fit.)"
Oh, Detective Murdoch. ♥ I know I said this in my prompt already, but I find Murdoch Mysteries totally, utterly charming. I love how upstanding and good Murdoch is, how he's the paragon of Law and Order, how he never has anything but the best of intentions, and yet, sometimes he's simply wrong. Not in his casework, of course, but in his personal life. I love that the show can bring up ethical issues and explore different points of view and actually have the main character not necessarily understand all the facts, or be driven more by his religious beliefs than practicalities (and yet, they never put Murdoch in a position where he becomes a proselytizer). I'm thinking here specifically of his struggle with the fact of Julia's abortion, and his conflicted feelings about her fight for proper birth control for women. And I love that Julia is always at the forefront of the fight for rights and equality. She is beyond wonderful, and the two of them together are amazing. I love how she is easily Murdoch's match, and reflects a more secular humanism to compliment his Catholicism.
And James Pendrick, well, I love him because he's one of those charming bastards who's great in fiction, but not so good in real life. ^_~ I love his snark, his cockiness, I love that he's just a tiny bit invested in getting Murdoch's goat, I love that he's forever inventing things, and I love that while all clues point to him, over and over again, he's never quite to blame for anything.
And speaking of inventions, oh my god, I love the way the show references future technology in slyly amusing ways. Murdoch is certainly ahead of his time, what with his finger mark expertise and his sonar... And Crabtree always has the biggest, most imaginative ideas, like mystery board games and world-wide spiderwebs!
And of course, I love, love, love the essential Canadianness of the show. The setting, the characters' attitudes, behaviours, speech patterns and cultural knowledge, the fashion, the timely issues, the little historical touches... it all adds up to this lovely Canadian period piece, and I adore it for that.
Reign (TV)
Requested Characters: Mary Queen of Scots, Sebastian, Prince Francis II
Optional Details: "I would love a story about Sebastian/Mary, Mary/Sebastian/Francis, or Sebastian/Francis, whether it's G rated or NC-17. ...Sebastian is my favourite character on Reign (which is unfortunate, since he's always going to end up with the short end of the stick by virtue of being Francis' bastard brother). I love him so very, very much, and I would love to read a story where Mary, Francis, or both of them find an equal place in their hearts for him. As you'll recall, both Mary and Francis do actually express his value to their lives at different points in the series, but there's always that necessary-to-the-narrative moment where they have to make it clear he's second (or lower) in their esteem in order to move Francis and Mary closer together. I would love to see a scenario where that's subverted. How is he valuable to one or both of them? Is it possible for them to love him as much as they love each other? Don't get me wrong, I love Mary and Francis too (or I wouldn't be requesting them), so I'm not looking for any type of character assassination or artificial raising of Sebastian above the two of them. I'd just like to see how they can work out a more comfortable, equitable relationship amongst all the court intrigue and danger.
Perhaps this premise asks for a scenario in which Sebastian, Mary and/or Francis have to work together to foil a plot? Or hatch one? Perhaps it's all about the quiet moments when nobody's trying to usurp/kill/politically manipulate any of them? Perhaps you want to write about what Sebastian and Francis were like before Mary came to court? Or a missing scene between Mary and Sebastian during Francis' absence from court, when it looked like Sebastian was going to be declared legitimate and disrupt Francis' direct line to the throne? Or something in the future, either in line with real historical events (since we know how well it all worked out for Francis and Mary) or a total AU where Mary manages to claim the English throne? (Gosh, imagine if that had happened? How would it have happened? What would the fallout be like? What would change historically-speaking?) Or perhaps you'd rather write something more about Sebastian's relationship with the Pagans in the forest! I would also love to hear more about that, or see him interacting with them some more, possibly outside of a situation of immediate danger! ...Let's face it, basically, I just want to see Mary, Sebastian and Francis get along and care for each other equally, with extra special bonus Pagans and/or court intrigue. ;-) (Also, I love Catherine, so if you want to toss her in too, being her awesomely evil self, I am totally ok with that.)"
I'm not quite caught up on Reign just now, although I will be well before the Yuletide Collection goes live, so while I have vague knowledge of what's going on in the current season, a lot of what I'm saying right here, right now, is based on everything up to (nearly) the end of last season.
Reign is one of those strange beasts, a period piece that's been modernized and tweaked and rewritten to the point where it's still pretty to look at and fun to watch, but maybe it's not really on speaking terms (or even nodding-from-across-the-room terms) with historical accuracy anymore. ^_^ I am totally ok with that, although it does mean that I think of it more as fiction than fact. It is tons of fun, and it's so sumptuous-looking that at this point, I'm pretty much willing to forgive it anything. I really do love the clothes and sets, and I love that all the plots are so life and death, so grandiose and dangerous that they fit perfectly in the bigger-than-life world Reign gives us.
I love Mary and her continual struggle to be both a good person and a good leader. It's fascinating watching her grow into her role as Queen as she gains more confidence in her own abilities, and becomes more and more willing to risk bigger and bigger stakes in order to protect and lead. Because the show is so uninterested in historical accuracy, I find I'm actually very interested to see how events play out compared to how they occurred in real life. If they ever get to the Rising of the North, I'll be fascinated to see how they portray it, and what the ultimate outcome will be.
I love Francis best when he's in love with Mary and cares for his brother, because that's when he's at his most charming. I thought it was really interesting how he really did want his brother's freedom, but it soured pretty quickly for him once he had it. Sebastian, well, I find really interesting for his unwavering devotion to particular ideals. Even as he's nearly handed the entire kingdom of France, his focus is on his love for Mary, and the safety of his relatives.
Ok, hopefully all that helped rather than made things harder. Again, absolutely everything I've said here is optional and up for ignoring, partially or wholesale. After all, it's not like I'm ordering dinner; I'm really just flailing wildly and offering up far too much info.
Thank you again, Yuletide Writer. I'm so very excited about the exchange, and I know I'm going to love whatever you write for me. ♥