Jul 22, 2009 09:27
Note to self: No more dahlias. They're pretty, but they attract aphids like fuck, and the cure is always as bad as the disease. Jesus. Also, stop killing off a third of all the lobelia you buy every year. Plant early, water often. (This is in stark contrast to my usual method, which is: "Plant when I get around to it; oh fuck, do they need water again?")
But being buzzed by wee birdies is a lovely salve to an irritated mind.
I startled one of the hares that lives around here not once, not twice, but three times yesterday. Four, if you count twice in the same encounter. Whoops. Sorry, little bunny. I swear, I was just trying to get to and from the car. (On the other hand, it was thrilling to be that close to such a pretty animal.)
And because I am a wonderfully kind and giving person, I made a voluntary donation of $82 to this city's police force yesterday. Because I am that nice.
...And also, they have photos of me speeding. WHOOPS. $82 bucks for being 12km/hr over. My bad.
Moral of the story? Don't get caught speed. Eheheheh.
Gah. Have been awake since 6:40, mostly because as my father left for work, I realized I was awake, and dammit, I only had 50 pages left to go in HeartSick. Good book, btw. Bought the hardcover as a Bargain Book for less than $10. Worth every penny. ^_^
You know, I keep wanting to post more fic, but then it's the weekend, and I realize nobody's around to read it; or an exchange is about to go up, and everyone will be busy reading that; or Comic-Con is right around the corner, and everyone will be there; or that I'm more than a year behind in answering feedback, and that's probably not good; or I have a backlog of fic that hasn't been posted to my LJ a mile long, and don't know where to start; so I throw up my hands and think, "Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday will be better. I'll do it then." Hmm. Strategy so far not working.
Also, it seems that sulfate-free shampoo/conditioner is finally starting to make its way into mass market distribution. This is great, because I want to ditch harsh chemicals that do little more than make the shampoo go, "Whee! Bubbles!" Problem is, I think I spied like 4-5 different kinds in the store yesterday, and I don't friggin' know where to start. Bah.