That "Gay Rights" Meme... Again--

Jan 15, 2008 11:45

*sigh* So that "gay rights" meme is going around again, I see. And just like last time, I have to wonder what was wrong with the person(s) who first started this thing.

Now, just like I said last time, if you don't know my feelings on the subject by now, you haven't been paying attention. And if I have to bow to pressure and post a meme to convince you of those beliefs, then there's something seriously wrong, because what exactly does reposting a couple paragraphs on LJ, primarily to an audience that agrees, do? How does it further anyone's rights? (If you really want to do something useful to back up those rights, why don't you take on a homophobe the next time s/he says something offensive? Why don't you donate time, resources or capital to a LGBT organization?)

That's not to say I see anything wrong with reposting the first part, the "'Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?' - Ernest Gaines," and then using that as a jumping off point to discussion. In fact, I think that's an excellent idea.

But there is something severely wrong with the second paragraph: "We would like to know who really believes in gay rights on livejournal. There is no bribe of a miracle or anything like that. If you truly believe in gay rights, then repost this and title the post as "Gay Rights". If you don't believe in gay rights, then just ignore this. Thanks."

First off, who is "we?" And who are they to try and force people into one box or another? The world is not black and white, and the idea that one doesn't believe in gay rights if one does not behave like a lemming and repost a couple paragraphs is both laughable and offensive. For example, what if I'm away for a week and don't see it? Am I suddenly a homophobe? What if my LJ is a meme-free zone? Am I to be painted with the same brush? Frankly, I am a bit put-out that I'm in a position where I feel like I have to post about this meme at all, because on some level I'm bowing to pressure and doing it to defend myself by saying, "See? See? I agree too!"

This isn't to say I'm slamming anyone on my Flist. I actually believe that anyone who has reposted the whole, "If you don't believe in gay rights..." paragraph simply hasn't thought through what the meme is designed to do: exert unwelcome pressure and artificially spread the meme, just like a chain letter. And really, what has that got to do with supporting the rights of all people? It's my right to not be judged by silly little pieces of C&P work, for one. It seems to me that the same pressure behind that sentence, that whole paragraph, is the same sort of pressure often exerted by the other side, the side that wants you to believe that homosexuality is wrong. It is unbending and unforgiving. You are either one thing or another, good or bad. And I have to wonder at the wisdom of behaving just like the side the meme purports to be against. (In fact, I am of the opinion that whomever designed the meme was less concerned with who does and doesn't support gay rights and more with making sure s/he got to see her/his meme spread far and wide.)

What gets me is the new addition to the end of the meme, "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind," because it completely undermines the entire point of the meme. That line is about individuality and freedom of expression, and dammitall if this meme isn't designed to push conformity amongst a population that should value diversity.

Frankly, I don't ever want to see this meme with the "We would like to know who really believes..." paragraph again, but I know at some point, maybe in another 15 months, it will float to the surface again, and someone will repost it without thinking, and the whole cycle will begin again. And at that point, hopefully instead of posting a rant, I'll just link back to this.

It's a foolproof plan. ^_~

lj:memes, lj:meta

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