My Internetting Woes. Let Me Show You Them.

Jan 12, 2008 01:08

I just need to tell the world this. Today's (Friday's) issue of middleearthnews was almost 14 pages long in my word processor of choice.

Fourteen pages.

Now, believe me when I say that M-ENews is by no means a tiny undertaking. A slow news day runs me about 5-6 pages, an average one, around 7-8, and a really busy day usually tops out around 9-10. (And I only do this once a week.) But today? Twice the size of an average issue. My god, I wanted to stab myself or set the internet on fire by the time I was done. To make matters worse, I accidentally slept in, which meant I didn't start until around 11:30 am my time. I was still working on it when savageseraph came home from work. I finally got the thing up at nearly 7 pm my time. It usually takes me a few hours, but I just... *sigh*

Which is a long way of saying: Appreciate your newsletter editors, whichever newsletters you watch/read. Remind them of this appreciation continually, because they will never hear it enough. (Frankly, if it weren't for the brilliant moderation team I humbly get to call myself a part of and the smattering of nice comments we get, I would have gone batty long ago.) And remember, if they don't reply to those comments, it is most likely because they're huddled in a corner somewhere, sobbing with relief that someone said thanks. ^_~

Anyway, I also continue to be a crap reader/commenter, as I've had to bookmark so many things lately rather than read/reply that I predict much wailing and tearing out of hair on my part when I eventually try to catch up. I've also missed a bunch of birthdays, which I'll have to formally beg forgiveness for later. *facepalm*

And to top it off, my fic-writing has gone completely haywire.

How is it that I can sit down with the intention of writing porny AU cowboys for azewewish, and instead of getting down to business, they angst? (I don't care about your motivations! Just bend him over!)

Then later, when I take another stab at these porny cowboys, I find instead of writing birthday!fic for Bren, I'm writing... um... pumpkin bread!fic for ribby? (Tentatively titled: "An Ode to Pumpkin Bread by Viggo Peter Mortensen, Age 6 1/2." Yes. I know. But it's really good pumpkin bread.)

Then empy throws a cracked-out plotbunny at me that I can't even touch because I'm mired somewhere in the middle of fourteen pages of news, which means pervy!Estel will have to hold onto his, uh, sword a little longer. And then there's this damn closeted son of a Russian mobster stomping through my head, desperately trying to make his bisexual (yes, we've decided, dammit) Russian undertaker/driver love him, and when he's not doing that, I'm being prodded to finish off the five things that haven't happened to him. And of course I can never, ever forget the constant presence of Certain Characters who demand an epic story arc that Certain People Including Me have been writing off and on for, what, four or five years now? Plus the Request-a-Fic Meme that I haven't finished but haven't forgotten about, the ficlets I promised people in response to a guessing game a while ago, a bunch of bits and bobs, and this one idea I need to start executing before the end of the month if it's going to work at all.

(And we're not even going to touch on current work/career responsibilities, oh, no. Except to say OH MY GOD, I HAVE TO GET THEM DONE BEFORE I CAN RETURN TO ANYTHING FUN!)

...It's a wonder anyone expects me to function offline, in real life, at all! ^_~

fandom:lotr, fandom:viggo mortensen, fandom:comm:m-e news, fandom:lotrips:vigbean, fandom:lotrips

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