Well, it seems that in a moment of weakness, I
signed myself up for
Which is probably a good thing, since despite the "Oh god, oh god, will I really have time/be able to do it?" I know that each year I miss the deadline and end up sulking about it. Of course, this means I'll probably be signing up for
lotr_sesa this year too. Can't do one side of the fence without the other, right? ^_~ (Although I'll probably skip
yuletide altogether. That whole thing is rather intimidating to begin with, and the rules around defaulting kinda scare me.)
In other news, I've more-or-less successfully learned how to dl'd via Torrent. This is excellent, since I desperately need certain programs that were callously cut from the Fall TV schedule. *coughFacelesscough*
However -- and there's always a "however," isn't there? -- while I dl'ded the most active Torrent successfully this afternoon, the damn .avi refused to play. As in Winamp will only play sound, and the rest of my players won't even run the file. *sigh* So I tried upgrading Winamp, and the damn thing kept hanging during install and hanging everything else along with it, so I had to revert to my previous Really Old version. And now I'm dl'ding a slightly different Faceless Torrent in the hopes that it'll run.
If it doesn't, I may end up being about as bald as BuzzCut!Sean, because I'm about to start ripping my hair out. *cries* This sucks so much.
What happened to the Bean Box RapidShare files? *sobs* I could've tried them!