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percysowner November 18 2018, 03:30:04 UTC
What a great episode. Apparently there is more contention about it than I would have thought. Another reviewer was all upset that Sam was bored and fidgeting, because Dean is the one who gets bored. Then they went off on using Christo, saying that they are trying to recapture the early days without realizing that Kripke never used it again for REASONS so this is obviously BAD WRITING. We have a weird fandom. I loved Christo coming back! I don't understand why Cas didn't use it in a bar full of demons, since his once superb ability to see a demon's true face has gone on the fritz, but I'm glad Jack used. it.

I think we have had a few episodes where Sam and Dean weren't together at all, like maybe episode one of this season when Dean was Michael. And maybe when Dean was a demon running with Crowley? But there haven't been a lot of them.

You would think that cutting off something's head would kill just about anything, but then Sam and Dean had to leave Abbadon's hands hanging around and didn't they just go and reassemble her whole body, head and all.

Anyway I really loved this episode. A quick check shows me I've liked all of his episodes, so we can keep him!


fanspired November 18 2018, 05:16:24 UTC
> Kripke never used it again for REASONS

Did they say what reasons?


percysowner November 18 2018, 12:55:53 UTC
Oh of course not. It was more a didn't these writers realize that back in the day the good writers came up with a plan than meant that using Christo was bad and how dare these writers not abide by the unstated rule. I just rolled my eye and went back to being tickled pink that someone actually remembered and used Christo.


fanspired November 18 2018, 13:05:16 UTC
Uh huh. OK.

Personally, I reckon the reason the writers have remembered it now is because they read Caranfindel's polls :)


caranfindel November 18 2018, 12:04:55 UTC
Oh, you’re right about them being separated, including this very season! I don’t know what I was thinking. I guess because it’s so unusual for them to be apart without an earth shattering reason.


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