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edenfalling December 9 2013, 06:22:44 UTC
"Do you think Spock...?" Nyota asks one day as she shucks her skirt and jewelry (but not her knives) in the physical privacy of Gaila's cabin -- no one wants to violate an Orion woman's lair, not and wind up another slave on Gaila's chemical string -- and wonders what insult the captain will use to make her pay for her latest, bloody refusal of his attentions, and how long before she has him at her mercy.

"He'd join us for the push, but not for the follow-through," Gaila says, looking up from the phaser she's sabotaging and running her eyes along Nyota's body with an appreciative smile; she sets her work aside and stands, equally naked and equally armed (though less visibly) and adds, "He wants justice, not power, the poor deluded fool."

Nyota sighs, because idealists are too dangerous to leave alive and free and there goes her half-formed plan of getting Spock to serve as a figurehead in the transitional period once she and Gaila kill Kirk and his faction, until they gather enough support and inspire enough mimics to force the Empire to recognize their authority despite their gender; but she opens her arms to trace razor nails along Gaila's sides, pulls her into the refresher to shield their words with water, and opens Gaila's lips with a kiss, sharing the trace of Kirk's blood still caught on her teeth and tongue.

It tastes of treason.


lanalucy December 9 2013, 06:25:16 UTC
So much information in so few words.


edenfalling December 9 2013, 06:40:02 UTC


silvr_dagger December 9 2013, 06:32:05 UTC
This is fantastic. I love how ruthless and powerful you've written them both here, and Spock as an idealist while they're unapologetically out for power, and that last line - brilliant.


edenfalling December 9 2013, 06:43:07 UTC
Thanks, I'm glad you like it! IIRC, Spock ended up at least some flavor of idealist in the TOS mirror universe, so it seemed logical (ha) to carry that over to an AOS setting... but here Uhura has an ally and she and Gaila know exactly what they want and how to get it. :-)

I kept trying and trying to get the thing to work in three sentences, but eventually I admitted that last line needed to stand on its own. Oh well, so it goes.


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