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edenfalling December 7 2013, 06:21:50 UTC
"You're learning Orion awfully fast for a Terran," Gaila says, reveling in the taste of her birth language on her tongue and lips, the easy slide of muscles and skin now that she's not regimenting herself into the postures and gestures other species are least likely to find unsettling, "even if your accent's hilarious."

"What's wrong with my accent?" Nyota asks, mimicking Gaila's vocal patterns and inflections perfectly; she even does a passable job with her face and shoulders and hands, though her kinesthetic inflections are all High House pride and precision, not Gaila's looser tech gang dialect.

Sister/lover/mine, sweet/silly/adorable, cuddle you, lazy pleasure, Gaila says in pheromones as she tackles Nyota to her bed and grins down at her alien sister; she breathes in, rolls Nyota's scent across her tongue as it changes from fierce concentration to surprise and tangy, alien lust, both contradicting the careful softness of her limbs and the blankness of her face because she doesn't know what her own body is saying; and she says aloud, "Nothing you can fix," before cutting off Nyota's protest with a kiss.


silvr_dagger December 7 2013, 07:02:45 UTC
This is unbelievably good, vivid and sensual and delightfully sweet. Thank you for writing it.


edenfalling December 7 2013, 07:14:37 UTC
Thank you! I love Gaila and Uhura, so it was entirely my pleasure. :-)


funnigalore December 7 2013, 10:22:37 UTC
her kinesthetic inflections are all High House pride and precision, not Gaila's looser tech gang dialect.
Oh, of course that's how it would be, without Uhura even necessarily meaning to come across that way. I also love the idea of Orion tech gangs. You packed so much into this that I like, their relationship and the bits of worldbuilding informing their actions, but it doesn't read like too much at all. And it's SO SWEET.


edenfalling December 8 2013, 06:00:53 UTC
Thank you! I think I was able to slide the world-building in so easily because it's not recent. It is work left over from when I remixed a Gaila/Uhura fic a couple years ago, and ended up creating a detailed backstory for Gaila plus the bones of an Orion culture to explain how and why the sex scene (which was in Uhura's POV in the original fic) made sense from Gaila's point of view. So that's all been part of my general Thoughts On Gaila for over two years now, and naturally popped up when I saw this prompt. (If you are curious, the remix is here -- In Foreign Tongues (Been All Over You) -- and the Gaila backstory fic is here -- While We Live.)


samueljames December 7 2013, 23:35:26 UTC
Gorgeous flirty fill.


edenfalling December 8 2013, 05:48:43 UTC
Thank you!


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