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samueljames December 7 2013, 23:36:39 UTC
Star Trek Reboot, Gaila/Jim, she's more adventurous than him which he loves.


edenfalling December 8 2013, 09:42:38 UTC
What most humans tend to overlook -- because they have the option of overlooking it, because it's a human tendency to assume that the way the world happens to be at the moment is the way it obviously must and should be -- is that Starfleet is, at its base, a human institution: human majority, human organizational rules, structures built on human blueprints, environmental parameters set to human standards, etcetera ad nauseum... which makes sense since Starfleet was a human idea that the other Federation founders agreed to more from a spirit of indulgence than any driving enthusiasm of their own, but still: it all defaults to human.

Gaila isn't human.

Jim didn't join Starfleet until Pike dared him, too busy clinging to his bitterness and curdled anger, but Gaila left everything behind -- her language, her culture, her planet, her species -- and plunged headfirst into the unknown without so much as a backward glance; she lives every day among aliens who reduce her to a stereotype yet holds onto herself, her goals, and her sheer joy in ( ... )


silvr_dagger December 9 2013, 02:21:11 UTC
Ooh, I really love this picture of Gaila - you capture her spirit so nicely here, and I can definitely see Jim admiring that about her.


edenfalling December 9 2013, 04:36:25 UTC
Thank you!


samueljames December 9 2013, 11:23:52 UTC
Thank you so much for this. I love his appreciation of how much Gaila had to give up to enlist. Wonderful fill.


edenfalling December 10 2013, 04:25:48 UTC
Thank you! (I meant to do more of an actual pairing thing, but intentions and results do not always match up well.)


samueljames December 10 2013, 11:16:01 UTC
It didn't have to be expressly shippy :)


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