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idhren24 December 4 2013, 21:07:29 UTC
Any Batman-related canon, Barbara Gordon, book cart drill team


edenfalling December 9 2013, 07:13:27 UTC
I'm not sure what canon this is exactly -- maybe comics before the New 52 reboot?


"First to shelve three carts -- accurately, and without disturbing or disrupting the patrons -- wins one snark-free night to be cashed in at your discretion," Barbara said, eyeing Dick, Tim, Cass, Steph, and Damien with her best stern librarian expression, cultivated through years of dealing with difficult patrons and Bruce (mostly Bruce).

"I still want to know how you got permission for this," Damien grumbled as he looked over his first cart: assorted YA fiction, mostly, with a sprinkling of adult fiction and children's nonfiction, because it was no fun if the carts came pre-sorted.

"The inner mysteries of the librarians' cult are forbidden to outsiders," Barbara said, "so unless you have a Masters in Library Science you've somehow managed to keep secret from my all-seeing eye..." -- Dick grinned and subtly shook his head behind Damien's back -- "then stop trying to distract me and get ready, get set, GO!"


idhren24 December 9 2013, 11:43:04 UTC
Ahahahahaha, awesome. (Not quite a traditional book cart drill team, in the sense that Book Cart Drill Team-Further Proof that Librarians Kick Ass, but the thought of Dick, Tim, Cass, Steph, and Damien getting roped into shelving, with dancing-with-books a further possible escalation down the line, warms the cockles of my soul.)


edenfalling December 10 2013, 04:15:19 UTC
"Teamwork, coordination, silly costumes, excellent opportunity to practice terrible puns and other forms of questionable humor -- what are you objecting to?" Barbara asked, blinking innocently up at the rest of her makeshift family as she ticked off the benefits of book cart drill on her fingers.

"I think I speak for us all when I say, the part where you want us to dance with shelving carts, which, seriously, in what universe is that ever going to be relevant to our lives?" Steph said.

Barbara grinned, but Dick had a hand over her mouth before she could say more than, "Funny you should ask."


idhren24 December 10 2013, 11:39:03 UTC
*standing ovation*

You win the internets ("Funny you should ask" heh), and this mental image considerably brightens a rather godawful start to the week. 'Thank you' seems so inadequate, but it's all I have to offer at the moment. Thank you.


edenfalling December 11 2013, 03:05:10 UTC
Thank YOU for introducing me to book cart drill teams! And I hope your week gets better.


anxietygrrl December 14 2013, 22:20:37 UTC
This is delightful.


edenfalling December 15 2013, 03:08:37 UTC
Thank you!


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