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anonymous December 4 2013, 16:11:37 UTC
Narnia/Edmund's encounter with the White Witch turns him into a mage



edenfalling December 7 2013, 05:35:19 UTC
As you can see, this is somewhat longer than three sentences. Oops?No one save Aslan knew what had become of the Witch's stone knife, nor the hilt of her wand, but Edmund kept the upper portion; she had bequeathed it to him when she rammed it through a gap in his armor, drenched its carvings in his blood, and so it was his, a poor cousin to the gifts his siblings had received, but his all the same. It felt right and necessary in his hand the way his borrowed sword had not, and sometimes a shivery, silver spark leapt from its tip when he touched the night-black stone, as if he were a battery that brought it to life ( ... )


autumnia December 8 2013, 03:02:54 UTC
This was kinda awesome. :-)


edenfalling December 8 2013, 06:03:11 UTC
Thank you!


heliopausa December 9 2013, 06:33:27 UTC
I especially like his making into a gift, what could have been seen/turned so many other ways - oh, and the spark he wakes in the stone, "as if he were a battery that brought it to life". (And the fic itself is very sparky with ideas! :) )


edenfalling December 9 2013, 06:38:13 UTC
Thank you! I figure magic is a tool that can be used for good just as easily as for evil, even if Lewis tends to use magicians as antagonists, and even if Edmund's first experience with spells was terrible, that doesn't mean he can't learn from it and choose a different path. The battery line is mostly because of Edmund's flashlight (aka electric torch) in Prince Caspian, and also just because I like the idea of magic as something inside that needs a channel in the outside world, not to mention the image of the broken wand as a sort of broken power line, giving off sparks when "live."


silvr_dagger December 10 2013, 06:20:53 UTC
This may not be only 3 sentences, but it is really, really good.


edenfalling December 10 2013, 08:50:43 UTC
Thank you!


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