- November is gearing up to be the most awesome month ever. On Friday I was at a PJ-cup where we (meaning Tensing, my church's youth choir) played volleyball all night against other youth groups/ choirs in our county, in our pyjamas. I had the best time. So worth the bruises I got from playing. I haven't played volleyball in four years or so. But it's easy to learn again, and so fun and social.
On Friday the 12th I am... GET THIS... GOING TO THE PRE-PREMIÈRE OF HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS!! Red carpet the whole shebang. I get to see this movie a whole week before everyone else. I am so happy! All because my parents happened to play golf with a guy who works at Sandrew Metronome (the company who distributes Harry Potter in Norway) and they mentioned that I'm kind of a big fan and he was like "I'll see if I can get her some tickets. We really want some real fans there." This was a couple of months ago. Then on Saturday there was an envelope in the mail for me... I thought it was the bracelet I won in the
foresthouseeyes auction, but no, it was two tickets to Harry Potter. I was speechless for an hour.
Then on Saturday the confirmation year starts up again. I love being involved with that. I get to hang out with awesome people who I only see in church. I love it.
On Tuesday 16th November, I have a gym exam, which I'm not looking forward to, except to be done with it. But the day after, the 17th, I'm going to go and watch Next to Normal again. This time on my own, so I can cry as much as I'd like.
Friday 19th I'm going to go on a Tensing weekend trip, where we'll have fun and sing and prepare for our Christmas concert.
Then, the 26th I'm going to the theatre again to watch a new production of The Secret Garden. It's in New Norwegian and apparently videogames are involved? I'm not sure, but it will probably be fun.
And to top off the awesome month that will have been November, my mother and I are going to go and watch AHA on the 30th.
- Today it's exactly a month until I turn twenty. How freaking scary is that? On the plus side, after I turn twenty there's nothing I'm not allowed to do. I can buy my own liquor and drink it too! But dude! TWENTY! I'm getting old. I'll have to pay lots of money for my bus card. I... ugh.
- One more thing before I go to bed: Is there any interest for another Three Sentence Ficathon? I'm keen and more than happy to host it again. But I can't play with myself so you all have to come and play too. I'm thinking of making a post December 1. and let it run out December... Thoughts?