"I'm the CEO, Bitch!" or C has seen the Social Network!

Oct 31, 2010 01:10

I watched the Social Network today, and I really liked it. Like really, a lot. I think it was a clever movie that showed the flaws in humans, and that relationships and friendships are fragile. I liked that it was a dialogue film. I like talking, I can't really fathom why people would complain about too much talking?

Things I liked:

- I must admit I got a kick out of watching him post to LJ.

- Armie Hammer is a beautiful man, and I could watch the rowing scenes on repeat. YUM.

- Andrew Garfield as well. Wow, such a pretty man. And so very talented. He had my attention throughout the entire movie.

- I really, really liked the fact that they used "Dovregubbens Hall*" by Edward Grieg during the rowing scene in England. One, because it really worked. Two, anything Norwegian is always awesome!

- Mark Zuckerberg is a jerk, but a jerk you can't quite hate. I also realise that the reason why you don't like him is that he's the wrong kind of jerk. Because, hey, the Winklevoss twins were jerks too, but they were charming as well. Mark was not. He was straight up, not hiding it, a jerk. Which was kind of cool. Having a main character like that.

- I did not like Sean Parker, but Justin Timberlake was really good at playing him.

- The ending was so sad, but Beatles "Baby you're a rich man" playing during the credits kind of made up for it.

- It's really weird to think that this didn't happen all that long ago. That this is bloody FACEBOOK! I use that everyday!

* I'm not sure what that piece is called in English... let me check (I HAZ GOOGLEFU!): In the Hall of the Mountain King. Wow, that's beautiful. I'm putting that away for possible later use. What an awesome Narnia fic title that could be!

A really cool movie, people. It made me think at least. And really, it's not really a film about Facebook, but more a film about people. And that's what makes it awesome.

you should watch this too!, movie: the social network, squeeing

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