ARMAGEDDON 2009! (will edit later, with pictures and stuff. Posting early because there's a couple of girls that want to read it before bed. xD)
So, I’ve been waiting exactly 366 days for this day to come. And it’s finally here! I got up at 6:21 in the morning, arriving at the ASB showgrounds around 7. Lining up with my brother… we had to wait until 8. Since we got there rather early…. blah blah blah. Gonna skip to the awesome stuff. Hope you guys don’t mind.
When he arrived, I was totally star struck. He was wearing a star trek t-shirt, (a tight t-shirt, might I add) and he was very smiley. The photo ops went pretty quickly. Everyone was watching everyone else, since the photo ops were shot out in the open, where everyone and anyone could see you. Most of them just involved hugs and smiles and handshakes. There was this toddler that went up to Paul, and he bent down and picked her up, and held her in a ‘superman’ pose, grinning like an idiot. The cutest thing I have ever seen.
After about 20 people, it was finally my turn! I skipped right up to him with the biggest smile on my face. And while I was skipping, he grinned and started bouncing along in time with me, while holding his arms out. So yeah, I pretty much jumped into the hug. He was chuckling the whole time. While I was hugging him, I kinda went “hello!” and he said “Hello sweetheart!” Then he turned to the camera man and said “she’s a shy one.” I can admit that I was fully nervous beforehand, but once I was actually there, with him, my nervousness completely disappeared. I responded with a “I’m not shy!” looking at the camera man as well, who was just watching the whole thing in obvious amusement. Paul grinned and said “Well this one’s a great hugger.” I’d read in a previous con report that he’d said this to a couple of other people, but I didn’t mind! So we snapped the picture, then after that he kinda squeezed me, then put his head on my head and went “MWAH.” I “MWAH’d” back. Random but sweet moment. (Later on I found that he actually kissed me on the head! :O But that's a whole other issue.) Then, I said goodbye, and skipped away. I turned back to find him grinning at me. He waved, before moving on to the next person. I love him. xD
Why do I always look strange in photo ops? WHY!?
Oh, and notice the clawed hand digging into his shirt? That is unbelievable creepy, and I have no idea why I did that. In fact, I didn't even know I was doing it. Daaaaang... o.O
*sidenote*: I really hope someone got that on tape… if I find it, I’ll post it on here asap! I got a lot of “omg, you’re so lucky!” comments from all these people… so I felt kind of special.
Half an hour later… Jason.
While the person in front of me was having their photo taken, I caught Jason glancing at me, before looking at the camera. It just made me feel special. Nothing supremely fantastic.
Anyway, when I got up there, I skipped up, and was about to say something when he turned away and asked for water or something. I can’t remember, I was a bit embarrassed… since I was about to say hello. After he drank, though, he looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and gave him my usual introductory hug. Stargate actors are really good huggers. Really good. Anyhow, this is how our conversation went.
Jason: Hey!
Zoe: Hey! *glances up at him* Wow, you’re tall.
Jason: That I am.
Zoe: I feel tiny.
Jason: That you are.
Zoe: o.O
Yeah it got a little awkward after that. Hahaha, but we took the picture, and I said goodbye, and went off.
Heh. Don't know if I ranted about how I got mad at the hairdressers for cutting my fringe like that... but yeah. I really hate my fringe here... and in Gigi's. xD
The Robot Chicken Guys.
So, these guys were in huge demand, so the line was huuuuge. There was about 300 people in line, with like a gazillion other people being told that they weren’t there early enough. I got in the top 50. But even then, I had to wait in line for about an hour… due to complications or something like that. The guys were sitting in this order: Tom Root, Matthew Seinrich, Seth Green. When I got up to Tom, I said “Hi!” He replied with a “hello!” I told him my name and he drew a speech bubble and wrote “Hello There Zoe!” Then he signed his name, and I moved on to Matt. He looked up at me and grinned, noticing my T-Shirt. It was a Rubik’s Cube t-shirt (I’d picked out the geekiest top I had.) He asked ‘’Can you even do the cube?” I grinned, and said “Well, duh!” Then I spun around and showed him the back of my top, which said “I can do the cube!” Tom smirked and jokingly punched Matt in the arm, shaking his head in mock-disappointment. “See man? It was on her shirt!” Matt just grinned, looked at me and said “Well, I’m gonna have to hold you to that.” He signed his name, and said “Well I have my own little record! I can do it in about… 80 days” I smiled and said “Good for you!” He then jerked his head in Seth’s direction and said “Well Seth can do it in about 1 minute 30 seconds.” Seth, hearing his name, looked at me, smiled, then grabbed my signing card thing and began to sign it. Matt grinned (again!) and said “It was awesome meeting you.” I responded in kind, then moved on to Seth. Seth saw my camera, then exclaimed “quick! Turn it on! Turn it on!” He looked around, as if to check if his handlers were following him, then he grabbed me and pulled me towards him. the first picture failed horribly, so I offered to get my brother to take it. He seemed determined, “no no no, I got it, I got it!” The second one was better. He grinned and clapped his hands, handing the card to me. I left the booth feeling awesome.
I scribbled out my face because I look really strange. Like actual. You aren't missing anything...dw.
My autographs.
Straight after, I ran to the celebrity photo op area, only to realise that I’d missed Joe’s photo op session. Panicking, I asked the nearest staff member what I could do. He reassured me that I could use the coupon I had now to take a picture with Joe tomorrow. So, that’s alright. I’m going to have to miss some of the Legend of the Seeker panel… but I’ll try and get to Joe’s photo op super early, so I don’t miss any.
Gigi Edgely
She didn’t have a lot of people lining up to take photos with her, which I found kind of sad, but apparently she had to sign a ton of autographs. More work for her, but it still made me happy how people wanted an autograph from a farscape star. XD So I went up to her and she grinned in a very Chiana-like way and said “Hi there! I’m Gigi!” And I said “Hey! I’m Zoe!” I hugged her, then as we were posing for the photo, she hugged me so tight around the shoulders, I could barely move my arms. I managed to put one around her before the photographer snapped the picture. I smiled and said thank you, and she responded with a “No problem!” She was so bouncy and adorable. (: It wasn’t epic or anything, but she was really nice.
I actually really hate how stiff and awkward I look in this photo. I mean, look at the fist! Dude(s), I was just panicking. I'm not mad or anything...
So yeah. After a rather hectic day, running around, waiting in line, playing Uncharted 2 (Oh. My. Gosh. GET ME A PS3! I LOOOVE THAT GAME!)… me and my brother sat against a pole thingy, near the information desk, waiting for my photos. The pole we were leaning against was right in the middle of the entrance area room thingy, so we could see everything. We saw practically all the stars walk past. At one point, Michael Winslow held a paper crane and flew it in front of us, making his amazing bird noises. We didn’t even know it was him until he left. That was awesome! So fricking talented, he is. And at another point, we saw Jason running around the con singing in an exaggerated low voice. Cutie. (;
Can’t wait for tomorrow! Oh, and as you can see in the photo ops, part of myhair is straight cutted. Not sure if I’ve ranted to any of you about this, but this stupid hardresser cut my hair like that! I was so mad, and hoprrified to see how clearly it showed in the pictures. But I don’t really care… I have good memories with these guys.
Day 2
So, Joe’s photo op, and the Legend of the Seeker panel weren’t until 1, so I had a lot of spare time on my hands. I usually don’t go to panels, simply because of the lack of time, but I went to Joe’s one, since I had some time. It was sooo funny. Poor Joe, the writers didn’t treat him that well. Dang, the writers actually sound like bitches. Hah. And he has the cutest kids. He was telling us that one day, he went to pick his son up from school, and the teacher asked to see him. He was worrying, thinking “Oh crap, did his son beat someone up or something?” Apparently, the kids had been discussing what their fathers did. They said things like “My dad’s a firefighter! He puts out fires!” When they got to Joe’s son, he said “My dad flies around in space and kills aliens!” The teacher politely told Joe that “perhaps he should teach his son about the difference between real life and fiction.” Joe forced a smile and said “okay…” Once he left the room, he was like “FUCK HER! If my son wants to think I do that stuff, let him! It makes me look awesome.” (or something like that… can’t remember. I’m sure there’s going to be vids on youtube.) Hahaha, yeah it was very entertaining. His kids are adorable. There was another story, where he and his kids were watching SGU, and his kids said “Daaaaaddy! This is boooring.” Joe smirked and asked “how boring?” The kids replied with “Why can’t we watch the stuff that you were in!” Hahahaha, that made Joe feel awesome.
Click to view
↑ John on the funniest moments with the cast.
I doubt that panel report was that accurate, but you get the jist of what happened anyway. I’ll find it on youtube. It was a nice panel. Joe fully opened up about how disappointed he felt about the cancellation of SGA and the starting up of SGU. He told us about how some of the writers didn’t feel the need for women and love interests (which was painfully obvious) and that some of the women executives wanted some stronger women roles, which Joe agreed on. Apparently Brad Wright, and the rest of his men gang, said the show was fine as it is. Joe also mentioned that he tried to tell them that they were recycling stories, (which they kind of ARE) but they ignored him and told him it was different. “Yeah, it’s different, This time it’s Bob, not Steve.” Hahaha. And he also told us that he and David were always getting in trouble for mucking around. And he explained that he’d always told the writers that he thought that it would be a good idea to add a darker element to Stargate, while keeping the humour. The writers shot it down… and now, look at Universe! Poor Joe. He was just… not happy about Universe. I don’t blame him. The writers sound horrible.
After that… I stayed for the Legend of the Seeker panel. I got a front row seat (I was at the panel alone, which helps at times like these.) The cast was pretty awesome! Of course, I’m a big fan of their talent, but yeah. They seemed like a really nice bunch! Not as goofy as the stargate people (except for Craig Parker… dang, he is awesome) but still lovely. I left halfway through, to go to Joe’s photo op session.
Now, this is where all the crap started. Apparently, I had been misinformed that the photo op session was at 1:30, when it was really at 1. So I missed it. AGAIN. I was sooooo… UGH. I went back to the Legend of the Seeker panel, to cheer myself up (although I would’ve gone back either way), and it was soooo adorable! Craig was trying to open a bottle of water, and Tabrett was trying to help him… and it was just the cutest scene. Craig Parker is so funny! A couple of kids asked him questions, and he gave them the cutest answers. He’s so good with kids. This kid asked him “Is there going to be a season 3?” And he answered “ oh yes! There will be! All you have to do, is watch each episode 10 times, okay? 10 times. Then ring up and make sure the people on the phone know you watched the episodes, and that you loved them. Can you do that for me? Remember, 10 times!” He’s such a cutie. I love him more now. Oh, and sorry shippers, Bridget and Craig H were sitting at opposite ends, so they weren’t next to each other. But there was quite a bit of staring at each other, when the other wasn’t looking. I was planning on videoing this panel, for all you LOTS fans, but my camera didn’t have enough memory to cover the whole panel. L Sorry! I took a few pictures though, and made sure at least 5 other people recorded it. So you WILL get it. Don’t worry guys!
Anyhow, straight after the panel, there was a signing. They were only signing for an hour, so the line was limited. I rushed there as fast as I could, I was the first one out of the room, but when I got there, there was already a huge line of people that hadn’t gone to the panel! It was HUGE. I had no idea the show was this popular. Sucks for me… So yeah. I waited in line, then after about half an hour one of the handlers announced that they’re going to be cutting the line. And the cut off point? 3 PEOPLE IN FRONT OF ME! I was so pissed. They said that there was a chance that about 30 people back would get an autograph, but chances were slim. It was awesome though, everyone stayed in line. We all got tickets to some theme park, as a consolation, but no one cared. They ended up cutting it three people in front of me, and the mean handler woman told us all to leave. But I really, really wanted an autograph. So I ran up to the table. Craig P was the first one I saw. Bridget, and the two Craigs were the only ones at the table. Tabrett was already getting up and the producer dude had already left. I ran up to Craig and kind of yelled “HI!” He smiled and said “Hi! I’m so sorry for this. It’s not our choice.” Then apparently, two girls (about 8-ish) had followed me, and ran up with their little butterfly notebooks. Craig grabbed them, looking behind him to check for his handler, then opened them up and quickly scribbled his name. They told him they’d been waiting for two whole hours (which was not true at all) but he grinned and said “Yeah I know! I’m so so so so sorry!” before giving their notebooks back to them. I have never been in more need of a notebook. I wanted an autograph too, but I had no paper on me! But then… I had a spontaneous light bulb moment. There was a sign that said “Craig Parker. Darken Rahl”… (y’know how they stick those on the table so you know who they are?) I ripped that off the table, peeled off the tape and asked him to sign it for me. I told him I’d just ripped it off the table. He laughed and said “You are awesome.” Then signed his name. Bridget was also secretly signing, Craig H was talking to his handler, looking serious. I quickly got Bridget to sign my… ‘autographing sheet’… and she grinned as I thanked her. She looked so gorgeous, might I add. Then the handlers fully pushed people away and said “WE HAVE TO GO!” They all shook hands with people. I really wanted Craig H’s autograph, since he’s so damn hot, but he was being pulled away, without a pen, so there was no chance. But there was a crowd of people following the cast. I ran up to Horner and yelled “Hi Craig!” He looked at me and grinned, putting his arm around me and squeezing. (Kind of like a half hug.) He apologised, and said he had to go, but he waved before being pushed away. Stupid handlers. They should be more like Joe’s. Which you guys will know about soon. But seriously, a half hug was better than an autograph! I love his smile… he is so hot.
Oh! Later on, we discovered that Bridget and Parker had left some signed autographs under their chairs for fans... I LOVE THEM. xD I got a kinda half signed one, But I already had her autopgrah so I didn't mind. Oh and after, there was a bunch of those signing cards left on there. I stole like 10. They were probably free, but I still felt badass.
After all that, I turned up for my autograph. It was towards the end of the session, so there was only a couple of people there. I ran up and smiled at Joe. He said “Hi there! How are you?” and I said “Ohhh not that great. I missed your photo op.” But the second sentence was drowned out, since as soon as I said “ohh not that great” He got all dramatic and said “Oh no! Not that great? That’s horrible! Ahhhhh! What happened!” Complete with shocked eyes and mouth wide open. I kinda laughed, internally squeeing at the cuteness that is Joe Flanigan but also feeling like a total 6 year old. Anyway, I repeated myself. He said “ohh, well that’s a shame. Can we take one now?” His handler was more than happy to oblige (see? AWESOME handler.) Our first attempt was a complete failure (We got my face and a quarter of his) so his handler offered to take the photo. It turned out pretty good. So yeah, then, we had an actual conversation. Like, actual. Hehehe! Which makes me really really happy because I've never had an actual, twenty minute conversation with a stargate person! EVER. He was so funny! Gosh, I honestly wish someone had filmed it! It was such an awesome conversation! Anyhow, the autograph line was about to close, so he asked for my name, and I told him, and he spelt it right, with no Y! That actually makes me really happy. And he even put two dots on the ‘e’, which is probably how it’s supposed to be, but I usually leave ‘em off. He asked me if that was right, and I said “Yeah, it is!” He asked if the dots were supposed to be there, and I said “well… I usually leave them off” but then he shrugged and said he liked them better there anyway. Then he handed to me and gave me one of his Sheppard grins. He has nice eyes. They looked really light and grey-ish for some reason. But they were nice. Really nice. He’s just awesome. I love him.We said our goodbyes... and I was on a high. He's so great! So that was my encounter with Joe!
"Zoe, lovely meeting you in NZ! xoxo *insert signature here*"
That was all I had planned for that day. While waiting with my brother, leaning against a wall, waiting for my mom to pick us up, I was looking at people’s t-shirts. I saw a t-shirt that said “Save Carson” and had a cartoon of Paul on it. It made me smile. Then I looked up to find that it was Paul himself who was wearing it! He was looking at me look at his shirt, and he was like waiting for me to look up. He kinda smirked/laughed at me, before grinning and walking off with his handler. Heh. *diez*
Michael Winslow also walked past. At that time, I was bored, and was looking at everything through my camera. I then moved my camera up, to see Michael Winslow make a face at the camera. I wish it’d been recording.
Oh, and my highlight of the whole trip? I met my childhood mega crush/best friend I always wanted. He even moves! And beeps! And stuff.
Extra pictures:
Noah Grey Cabey (Micah from Heroes) was scheduled to come, and went to the Australian event, but then couldn't come here because of 'filming' crap. WTF? Cancelling the day before the con? *sighhh*
But overall, the con was absolutely amazing!
And that’s it! Hope the report was okay. FINALLY finished adding the final touches, and thanks for reading!