what do ya do here?

Nov 24, 2004 12:22

everytime someone asks me what i do, i think of that line from Office Space delivered by the Bobs.

seriously though, a lot of people don't really know what i do and i thought i'd take a short moment to explain it now since i get so many questions about it.

am a 1st lieutenant in rank. i have been in the Marine Corps for close to 3 1/2 years. i work at Camp Pendleton.

my job: i am the public affairs officer for the 1st Marine Division. what does that mean? it means anytime there is information that comes out of our division to the public, i am the releasing authority. more specifically, that means:

1. i assist media in their requests to cover stories related to the 1st Marine Division. this includes stories on heroes, courts martial, battles, deployments, accidents, events, ceremonies, civil affairs projects, etc. i also promote events and information to the media that i think are newsworthy through press releases.

2. i train, mentor, equip and lead a team of combat correspondents whose job it is to report on the 1st Marine Divsion for its internal (families, friends, Marines) and external audience (the media and public). they employ both print and video assets to accomplish this, and their work is published through the official Marine Corps website: www.usmc.mil. it can then be picked up by other publications to be reprinted.

i peform these duties both when deployed and here in garrison at Camp Pendleton. i love my job, i love the people i work with and i have absolutely no regrets during my time here. however, come February 1, i will be leaving the Corps to be a civilian once more, so that i may pursue my dreams of getting my master's degree in business administration. i have been recently researching the career path of a librarian and i also hold to the dream of one day owning my own business, but the latter is more of a long-term goal. i have constantly surprised people with the unexpected career paths and decisions i make, and i expect that whatever i choose to do once i leave the military has the potential to have that same effect again. i chalk a lot of my decisions to intuition (if that is what it is), and i am comfortable that i will know the right path when it presents itself before me.

so, to appease Reagan, here is my countdown: i have 52 days until i go on terminal leave (Jan. 15) from the Corps.
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