Birth Supplies for Homebirth and Hospital

Jun 23, 2008 15:12

The following is a list of supplies that were very helpful to me in my home birth preparation.

Birth Supplies: Home

___ Plastic cover for bed (sheets over plastic, pinned to keep in place). Used a mattress bag from UHaul
___ Old sheets - Bought a few from Good Will
___ Old pillow cases - Bought a few from Good Will
___ Old towels - Bought a few from Good Will
___ Flannel-backed vinyl table cloth
___ Washcloths
___ Chux pads

Clean Up, Miscellaneous Supplies
___ Bottle of hydrogen peroxide for clean-up of blood
___ Flashlight with batteries
___ Garbage bags - for laundry and trash. Black for trash, White for laundry
___ 1 roll of paper towels
___ Thermometer
___ Individually wrapped sterile gloves
___ Birth plan

___ Food for birth attendants: bagels, carrots,
___ Food for mama
___ 3 or 4 ReCharge
___ Popsicles
___ Fresh cut-up fruit
___ Emergen-C
___ Suckers
___ Bag of ice

___ Clay image of woman in labor, made by myself during pregnancy, to hold during labor
___ Plastic bottle of olive oil
___ Crock pot filled with warm water and compresses
___ Cheap plastic bowls for towels, supplies, placenta, puke
___ Music
___ Good-smelling essential oils - Used copious amounts of cotton squares with drops of orange oil during surges/contractions. Very helpful
___ Camera
___ Camcorder
___ Birthing ball
___ Massage tools
___ Spray bottle

Post Partum
___ Bag of frozen peas for perineum
___ List of things that folks can do to help
___ Frozen pads
___ Comfrey-leaf ice packs (DIY project. Make an infusion, soak gauze or cloth and individually wrap in baggies in your freezer. BEST RELIEF EVER.)
___ Peri bottle
___ Witchhazel bark (DIY project. After the birth, fill crockpot with water and several sachets of it. Wait until it is very dark colored. Pour into a pitcher and keep in the bathroom. Instead of water in the peri bottles, use this. It will numb everything and you'll be super comfortable.)
___ Extra diapers for use as pads. Also useful as cold compresses - rip open top of diaper and fill with ice, fold over top and put in underwear.

Birth Supplies: Hospital

___ Cookies for staff, thank you cards
___ Chux Pads for car ride
___ Cash
___ Camcorder
___ Health insurance card
___ Birth plan
___ Hot water bottle
___ Massage/aromatherapy oils and tools
___ Small cooler with drinks and snacks
___ Tape/CD Player
___ Change of clothes wonkily
___ Change of clothes for mythalethe
___ Swim trunks for mythalethe
___ Snacks
___ Suckers
___ Water bottles for ice
___ Recharge
___ Reading material
___ Baby book
___ Loose, comfortable outfits
___ Nightgown
___ Slippers
___ Thick socks
___ Underwear
___ Brush/comb
___ Dental floss
___ Earplugs
___ Eyeshade
___ Hairbands (ponytail holders)
___ Lip salve/chapstick
___ Spray Bottle
___ Prescription medications
___ Shampoo/conditioner/hairdryer
___ Toothbrush/toothpaste
___ Approved carseat
___ Going-home outfit
___ Recieving blankets
___ Breast pads
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