Hospital Birth Plan

Jun 23, 2008 15:03

The wonkily Family Hospital Birth Plan
(Note: This plan attempts to be assertive, not combative in describing my preferences. Also, never underestimate the power of bribery. I suggest handing the birth plan to the hospital staff with a box of doughnuts or homemade cookies and a box of Starbucks or other brewed coffee, followed up with thank you note - if they deserve it, of course.)

We are thrilled first-time parents, and very pleased with our choice of [Hospital]. We are well prepared and educated and have done everything we can to stay healthy and low risk during this pregnancy. Our goal has been to have a beautiful, natural birth. We are grateful for all of the kind, encouraging care that you can provide.

If you are reading this, we have transferred to the hospital after attempting a homebirth. We’ve given it our best shot at home, and now we’ll give it our best shot in the hospital! We have some preferences for an optimal hospital birth experience, and respectfully request that you consider them. We fully realize that situations may arise such that our plan cannot and should not be followed. However, we hope that barring any extenuating circumstances, you will be able to keep us informed and aware of our options. Thank you!

• Catheter: Only if absolutely necessary. Please remind wonkily to make frequent bathroom visits
• Privacy: Minimal interruptions, as few people as possible. Please knock before entering.
• Vaginal exams: Limit to “urge to push” stage. No “surprise” touches.
• Mobility: wonkily wishes to walk around and labor in position she chooses.
• Drink/Food: To comfort, popsicles or ice chips when no longer tolerated.
• IV: Heparin lock, IV only if absolutely necessary
• EFM: Minimal use limited to 15 minutes per hour. Prefer fetoscope or doptone.
• Medication: Do not offer pain meds. wonkily will request. No Pitocin unless medically necessary.
• Comfort: Relaxation techniques (breathing, focusing, etc), heat or cold packs, compresses, massage/pressure, hydrotherapy (tub, shower)
• Speed up labor: Nipple stimulation, walking, pelvic rocking, couple time alone. Prolonged length of labor if progress is being made.

• Communication: Lots of positive encouragement! Explain what is going on. Check in with wonkily and ask how she is. Look at wonkily’s face. Do not stare at her body.
• Position: Choice of position.
• Perineum: Do what is necessary to avoid episiotomy (perineal support, massage, compress). wonkily would prefer to tear. No draping. Allow wonkily to touch during birth.
• Expulsion technique: Remind us about slowed, controlled pushing (please no shouting of “PUSH!”). If medically necessary, vacuum extraction, not forceps.
• Receiving Baby X: mythalethe wishes to “catch” Baby X.

• Breastfeeding: Baby X will be exclusively breastfed. No pacifiers or supplements. wonkily wishes to hold and nurse Baby X immediately after birth.
• Separation: Baby X should remain with wonkily or mythalethe. If Baby X needs to leave the room, one of us will accompany him.
• Bath: mythalethe wishes to give Baby X his first bath.
• Baby exam: Skin to skin contact immediately after birth, “goop and all”! Delay routine procedures and conduct exam while Baby X is on wonkily’s belly. Suction mucous only if necessary.
• Cord: Delay cord cutting until it has stopped pulsating. mythalethe wishes to cut.
• Eye prophylaxis: We wish to waive and will sign the necessary forms.
• Circumcision: Baby X will not be circumcised.

-Signed and Dated by wonkily and mythalethe

The wonkily Family Plan for UNEXPECTED CIRCUMSTANCES

Should unexpected circumstances arise, we respectfully make the following requests:

Cesarean Birth:
• Allow mythalethe to hold wonkily’s hands instead of restraints, if possible. If not possible, please only restrain one hand, so wonkily can touch the baby.
• Explain the surgery as it's happening. If a cesarean is medically indicated, we prefer that OR staff not carry on unnecessary conversations.
• Spinal/epidural anesthesia - no general
mythalethe and birth assistant present
• Screen lowered to view the birth or mirror

• Let mythalethe cut the cord after it stops pulsating
• Give Baby X to wonkily as soon as possible
• Breast feeding in recovery room.

Sick Baby:
• Breast feeding as soon as possible. Please, no supplements or pacifiers. If Baby X unable to nurse, wonkily wishes to use a breastpump to express milk ASAP
• Unlimited visitation for parents, handling of Baby X

-Signed and Dated by wonkily and mythalethe
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