Feb 09, 2008 00:53
So, its getting closer. I'm not as affected as I thought I would be but then again, I haven't been sleeping much. Just a few hours a night. I know the first year is supposed to be the hardest, its why I keep thinking to myself that it will get better.
I have so much stress in my life right now, but I can handle it. Actually I'm handling it rather well... I got a promotion at work. WOOT! Go me. I'm so excited about that. Heck I've been trying for it for two years now, finally got it. So happy about that.
I'm doing well single though. Yeah my life can get kinda boring at times but hey that's what the internet is for. LoL.
Life has a way of kicking you in the ass when your not looking but right now I'm totally looking. Cuz once in a while, good things happen. Well most of the time there is good, but right now my perspective is a bit off...
Anyway just a short update...
Almost a year and sleep deprived most of the time. One year seems so long, but its nothing compared to a lifetime.