Lost: RPF, Demi/Selena.

Mar 18, 2011 15:37

Title: Lost
Pairing: Demi/Selena
Rating: T? I guess.
Disclaimer: This is completely a work of fiction, though how I wish it wasn't.

A/N: This is my first fic and my first entry to livejournal, so hopefully it doesn't suck too much.

Sometimes when you feel lost, you wander aimlessly, trying to find what you're looking for (even though not even you knew most of the time) and getting yourself more lost in the process. It's a tendency you picked up as a child, when at the supermarket your hand had slipped out of your mother's, as you eagerly raced towards a box of Barney chewy candies. When you had finally gotten it off the shelf and turned around though, you couldn't spot your mother or sister anywhere. But you'd be darned if you would just sit there and wait for them to find you. No, sir, you were Demetria Devonne Lovato, and your stubbornness and free spirit had gotten you in trouble before that, and it would get you in trouble after that. So, of course you marched right out of the aisle and across the store, stretching your neck to peer down each aisle as you passed it. Of course leave it to you to not notice when you took a wrong turn and ended up in a storage room at the back of the market. You remember it was only five minutes until Dallas found you. Who knew she would be right about being the master of hide and seek coming in handy one day?

You shook your head, chuckling lightly as you padded down the dark side streets. The sound was far from the loud laughter that so many people associated with the Disney starlet. How you longed for the days where everything was so simple, and only time you could possibly be lost is when you wandered too far from your parents' sides. Or parent, you reminded yourself, soft smirk fading quickly as you recalled the father you never truly had. Though Eddie was still great, he still could never be your true dad, no matter how hard you tried to pretend he was.
A loud clanging sound emitted from somewhere behind you, and you quickly turned, flipping open the switchblade you remember Miley had put into your hands years ago. There's a lotto sickos out here, Dems. Ya can't trust a lotta people. Ya don't know what some people'd do for even pocket change out here. Though you'd never had to really use the knife, you had attended several self-defence classes after that, so you knew how to defend yourself if need be.

But, as your eyes flickered through the dark and a relieved laugh slipped out of your lips, that would not be required tonight. You walked over to where the sound had come from and kneeled before the culprit. A small tabby, no more than a kitten. After petting it for a good few minutes, you got to your feet and set off again, the feeling of aloneness setting in once more. Images flashed behind your eyes, and you fought the temptation to use the blade, now relocated to your pocket, to accomplish a task it had done many more times. But one glance at your freshly tattooed wrists put that temptation to bed. Stay Strong, you remembered, the afterthought following a few moments later, She'd want you to. But… was that even true? Did she even care anymore? Probably not. She was busy, and successful, and had a great boyfriend. Well minus the great in your eyes, but in hers? He was probably great.

You don't even know what street you are on anymore. You don't even care. It's dark. A lot darker than when you first raced out of the home you had bought with your own money, door slamming behind you. A couple hours had probably passed. How far had you walked? Once again you don't care. Maybe your feet would ache in the morning. But right now you were numb, as more images flickered in your mind. Suddenly very tired, you swayed over to a wall and slumped down it, replaying the night's events in your head.

"Demi, we have to talk about this sooner or later." Dianna stared at you from across the table. Whatever she was talking about was lost on you.

"Talk about what?" Your gaze moved around the table. Dallas looked only a little less confused than you, but she also looked a little… angry? No, protective. Eddie was smiling sweetly like he always did, his face calm and comforting. Maddie had already gone up to bed, but you're sure if she was at the table she'd look like a mixture of Dallas and Eddie, with the addition of that innocence that came with youth.

"Your behaviour in past months, and those photos." You were still completely baffled, and your face must've shown it, because she continued. "Image is everything Demetria--," Demetria. So this isn't a people-talk, or a daughter-talk, this is a client-talk. Great. You weren't even back to work and she was back wearing the invisible blazer. "--you can't just go around flirting and taking risque photos." Oh.

"Oh." You voiced softly, noticing from the corner of your eye Dallas no longer looked confused, and her jaw had gone rigid.

"Is that -all- you have to say on the subject Demetria? Your little backstage stunts could have cost us your entire career! And for what?" And now your jaw was set too. And Eddie was looking nervous.

"Dianna, perhaps now isn't the best time, Demi just got out of treatment not too long ago and work is probably the last thing she wants to think about…" He interjected softly, but was all but ignored as Dianna continued her rant, to be completely honest you zoned out through probably half of it before your attention was caught again.

"--know what your little friends have put into your head but you are not to act like some little dyke because..," A tight smile made it's way to your face and Dianna trailed off, obviously sensing the shift in your demeanour as she changed tacts, "..Honey I know nowadays the media and other people may put strange things into your head, but they don't know you. Your family knows you, and so do you. Has Nolan or any of those girls tried to make you think differently?"

You took a breath before answering, trying to calm your temper that was threatening to snap. As you began, you felt a hand on your arm and glanced to the side to see Dallas smiling slightly at you, encouragingly. "No, mom. They haven't. And you are right about one thing. I do know me, and most of you know me. But to be frank, I don't think you really do Mom. I don't think I might be a lesbian because of what other people say. I know I am because of what I feel. But the thing is, that's completely irrelevant to my career. I know my fans will stand by me no matter what. They already have."

"Standing by a troubled teen is a whole lot different than standing by a freaking dyke. And even if they do, Disney and Hollywood Records sure as hell won't stand by you. And then what's the family going to do?"

"The FAMILY, Mom?" Dallas finally spoke. "Because it sure as hell sounds like you mean you."

You stood up, thoroughly exhausted. Things had only heated up from there, and you couldn't recall many details between the yelling, Eddie trying to soothe the wakened Madison, and you quickly exiting the home in an attempt to get away from the commotion. Your feet continued to carry you down the streets, despite your fatigue, as you tried to get un-lost again. Locations and directions appeared in your foggy mind, But when your head said left, your feet went right.

It didn't register where exactly your feet were taking you until the street came into view though, and you instantly thought of a saying you remember Dallas telling you long ago. Home is where the heart is. Texas, Barney candies, beaches, numerous auditions, moves across the country, cheesy vlogs, princesses, Ask Taylors, and goofy-haired boyfriends were all on your mind as you finally reached the door and fell into the arms of the girl your world always revolved around, wether she knew it or not. Funny. You never remembered even ringing the doorbell.

miley's hbic, selena is a goddess, t-swizzle knows all, demi is flawless, dallas the protector, fanfiction

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