Dec 28, 2004 23:12
I was sick over Thanksgiving break. Therefore, I think I shouldn't be sick now. Which I am. Yesterday my throat just started hurting randomly, which is something like Nicole had, but I can't blame it on her, since I haven't seen her in over a week. But anyways I woke up today and felt sore, my whole body ached.I just layed in bed for hours because I didn't want to face the day. But eventually I rolled out of bed, and layed on the couch for most of the day.
Watched a lot of TLC. Perfect Proposal was excellent today, and A Wedding Story was quite good also. Then I watched both episodes of A Baby Story. First one made me think "Wow, I can not handle having more than one kid." This couple had their third child, and the oldest was only 3 1/2. So it isn't like the kids could help the lady with her new baby, because they are still babies. Second one made me think "Wow, some people do things different!" This one lady had her kid in a tub, which I know happens, but this lady was just all around weird.
I watched a lot of other tv too, but nothing worth mentioning. I am just feeling so blah. It hurts to move. I hate this. :(
Good news is, I'm planning a little thing for New Years Eve. So I'm excited about that