An Inception Rec/Rave

Feb 12, 2011 00:27

I just finished reading an epic Arthur/Eames fic called Glitch by sho-no-tabi.

This is honestly one of the best fics I've read in years. It was chock full of angst and h/c but it still managed to be humorous, fun as hell, and addicting to read. The plot was original and creative, the action sequences were smooth, exciting and believable, the original characters didn't make me want to gag myself, Arthur was a BAMF but still a human who is fallible and limited by how much crap his human body and mind can take (i.e. not a Terminator), and while there was clearly a love story building between Eames and Arthur it didn't dominate the plot with a bunch of the usual sappy crap that makes me swear off sugar for weeks at a time.

It also made me want to make fan art.


I'm a bit of a snob with my art and try to keep it as far away from fandom as I can but there are these awesome visuals with these mechanical spider/crab projection things (um... they're way cooler than I just made them sound) that I feel compelled to bring to life in some way. It's probably because it mixes entomology and classic scifi-- the two great loves of my life. I'm a procrastinator so this might never happen but if it does I will do my best to make it epic.

I give it five stars and highly recommend it if you're looking for a great read!


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