It's That Time Again...

Oct 31, 2008 00:26

Ok folks, I'm putting a disclaimer on this one.  I will be discussing politics in this entry.  My political views may piss you off, but it is not my intent to do so.  These are my views, and the last time I checked the Patriot Act didn't remove your right to disagree with me.  That's fine.  I don't mind at all.  I have many friends that disagree with me on many occasions, and I welcome it because it tends to make the both of us think.  And honestly, when it comes to matters that I am about to discuss,  there are no rights or wrongs.  It all depends on your personal point of view.  If I may draw your attention to the top of the screen (for those of you reading this directly from my Live Journal), it says quite clearly that this is Captain Will's Log.  That means that this is my blog, and the things I write within are my views, opinions, and musings.  So for those of you new to my blog, or reading this from Facebook for the first time, there are some rules that you should be aware of:

1.  If you are intent upon getting pissed at my person for my personal views, and are looking for an excuse to join the "I Hate Captain Will Club," stop reading now.  This entry is not for you.

2.  If you wish to discuss something I have written here, feel free to (click the link if you're reading from Facebook) comment on this below.  If you do not have a LJ, that is fine, you can comment anonymously, but I ask that you identify yourself with a closing so I know who I am talking to.

3.  If you want a debate, join a debate club.  I will discuss ideas and disagreements, but I will not debate my opinion.  If you wish to ask questions as to why I think things the way I do, or if you want to simply throw your two cents in, feel free to do so.  However, I am not interested in changing your opinions/views/musings, and you will not change mine.  If I am dead wrong, and you can show me evidence, that is perfectly acceptable as well.

So if that gets everyone on track, away we go...

Election Day is almost upon us, and I've finally figured out who I'm going to vote for.

You see, folks, I am not a Conservative.  I am not a Liberal, either.  Why?  Because I don't believe in labels.  Labels get people in trouble, and quite frankly are bad for our government.  It seems today that you're either a Bible-thumping, gun-toting, ignorant Conservative, or a tree-hugging, gun-grabbing, baby-aborting Liberal.  Folks, I gotta say that this all kind of disgusts me.  While, granted, there are people out there that fit these stereotypes, but for the most part it just isn't true!  I know Conservatives who are perfectly rational, well educated people, just like I know Liberals who support the 2nd Amendment, think abortions are wrong, and are good Christians.

This is just stupid, people!

As I said above, I know who I will vote for.  Honestly, it wasn't an easy decision.  I really don't like either candidate all that much, nor do I like any of the third party candidates.  In fact, the only person whom I definitely cannot stand more than the rest is Sarah Palin.  It has nothing to do with how she stands on the issues, it's just that every time she opens her mouth she sets my teeth on edge.

Well it finally came down to one simple thing: plunder.  Who stands the biggest chance of getting me more plunder if I vote for them?  In my piratical opinion, that would be Obama.  Sure, I'm not stupid.  I understand that he probably won't give me half the crap he says he will, he's a bloody politician!  I'm voting for him because his lies sound better to me than McCain's!  And there's a bonus, no Sarah Palin making me want to claw my ears off every time she speaks.

Now before any of you start filling up my comment box saying my ideas are silly, think about something.  I live in Alabama, a Conservative state.  Our electoral votes are going to McCain.  Translation: my vote doesn't matter.  Also, if you want to be particular, if just one of you vote for McCain, it cancels out my vote anyway!  It's like I never cast my ballot!  So get the knot out of your panties.

And besides, you want to know the real truth of the matter?  I honestly don't care, and it's because of my faith.

Now we're going to do something a little different.  I'm throwing in an interactive segment, so all of you at home should play along.  C'mon, it'll be fun!

Those of you that own a Bible, turn to the book of Romans, chapter 13, verses 1-7.  If you don't have a Bible, and still want to participate, you can go to this link right here (sorry Facebook friends, you've got to click the link to my LiveJournal to use this).  Now read it.

Go ahead, I'll wait.


It says right there in black and white that all authority figures, including presidents, are in power because it is the will of God.  One of the common beliefs of the Christian faith is that everything happens for a reason, and that reason is that God has a plan.  That means that even horrible leaders (*cough*Bush*cough*) are put in place for our ultimate benefit.  Those of you who have different beliefs than I, you probably don't understand this.  That's fine, I am making an argument here, not trying to convert you.  If you think my beliefs are silly, then I probably think that yours are too, and that makes us square as far as I'm concerned.

But what the hell, I'll throw you a bone, because I like to think I'm a nice guy:  If you saw The Matrix Trilogy, it's kind of like what Morpheus believes about The Prophesy and Fate.  Nothing happens by chance.

Do you see what that passage does for people who run on the "A Vote for Me is a Vote for Jesus" platform?  It completely destroys it!  If some people (gladly, my friends don't fall into this category) would quit thumping their Bibles and actually read them, they might see this themselves.  Besides, Jesus was not a politician, his message has nothing to do with politics, and anyone who tries to equate themselves to Jesus is going to ultimately fail.  Keep my God out of your political agenda!

However, this does not mean that I think voting is pointless.  Your freedom of choice (in fact any freedom you have) is a gift from God.  You have the right to vote for who you think will best serve you and your country.  That's a good thing.  Yet my point is that you shouldn't worry yourself over who wins, if you happen to be a Christian or Jew, because it is in God's hands and will eventually benefit His people.  So why worry?  If you do, it just boils down to a lack of faith.

You know what I'm really thankful for?  I'm thankful that this horrible mess of an election year is almost over.  I'm sick of hearing from this Douche and Turd Sandwich (thanks Heath and South Park) bat the same tired arguments back and forth.  I'm sick of the pundits.  I'm sick of the whole damn thing.  I just want to go cast my vote, watch the coverage later that night to see which liar lied best, and count down the remaining days until January 20th when Bush and Dick get out of the papers, and back into lewd jokes where they belong.
So yes, folks, I'm voting for Obama.  No, I'm not too thrilled about it either, but at least this pirate might get a little plunder.  And hey, maybe you will too.

Arr... hot-pants.

beliefs, vote, politics, the bible

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