End of the year and Timeline

Apr 25, 2006 12:45

And so the year ends. Another one. This one ending a month faster then the last, that much shorter.

I’m about to start studying- having procured my handy canned espresso (I really must get an expresso maker sooner or later)- but first I wanted to write about the year… at least from what I can remember from my skewed mind.

Last summer was the first summer I actually went out and hung out with people. I used every drop of the backstash of money I saved from lunch and went bowling, moving watching, and hung out at the bookstores so often I’m sure the people knew us from Johns car (ignoring the fact that one of them was inside the mall). I went out to eat often, eating quite enough- though apparently I still looked skinny enough to be mistaken for being ill in some way.

On that vein I’ve finally gained enough weight to give blood but I don’t relish the thought of having issues so I wanted to give blood in Berry… only for Berry to continuously tell us one day and then have it on another (typically on days where the next day I had a test). But either way I can try giving blood this summer as long as my weight keeps up so that, for me, is a cool thing. I know that makes most people go ?? wtf? You have an obsession with weight… but it’s a family tradition to give blood and I’ve been a boney person so it’s a celebration.

I went through my first year of College. I don’t know if I’ll still have my Scholarship but I hope I will.

I took Psychology 103, Intro To Theatre, Intro to Anthropology, Religious Studies, Freshmen Sem., both English’s, Both Geologies and Labs, and World History 105.

For the first part of the year, I didn’t do much. I lurked in my room being perturbed by the Televangelists. I then met a bunch of people at once, all of which I found at least mildly interesting and only a very few that I would be hesitant to claim. The second semester was decidedly more lively and a lot more fun. Its been great having a friend in one of my classes which isn't 9am when everyones half asleep anyway and a lot more fun being able to grab someone to go to the bookstore or otherwise more often then not.

I tasted a beer that didn’t disgust me, which was a miracle in of itself considering my families tendency to make kids take a sip nearly yearly. I was under the impression that beer and me would never be put in the same sentence… I was wrong, but again it was a sip and no more.

This year at animazement more people then I’ve ever known are going. In fact, more people then I’ve ever known are going to be sharing rooms. It’ll be an interesting experience.

Which, on aside note, I will be hopefully going as a “Tentacle monster trapped in a school girls body”…. Yes… That.

I could write more…but I don’t know what to say so I’m going to put a time line of my art here. I assure you it’ll be very amusing to see but image heavy. ALL PICTURES ARE PG. Yes...I'm procrastinating more. But by doing this I think I can see at least a little improvement...

When I first started computer drawing I had Photo Impact SE. It didn't have layers and getting colors right was difficult. However, it did have neat background you could use such sa rain or snow. This is not the first image I did with it, that one is scary with its yellow/orange skin, but it gives you an idea of my style during 9th and some of 10th grade.

After using Photo IMpace SE I started to get the hang of it. Which, of course, was when I finally was able to try new, better, programs

Paint Shop Pro. First I used the style I was use to:

Which later evolved into

^That. Similar but the with the hair style rather different. I someone, Kasra?, mentioned they liked the hair... so I kept it.

^Loosing the outline

And then taking it back again.

Changing the tool I used for the outline **this one was done really quickly

And now I'm attempting to work on noses again. And other things. This will be colored later very carefully. These are what I work with now as my scanner is broken. Half of the time they turn out far more blurry.

Now I have done females, just not that many. The first one here is from my SE days and the other is more recent. Females I find rather difficult.

Recenly I've also started working on my poser. I don't have any of my first, first poser work but here are some examples of whats occured now that I'm more or less used to working with it.

The hair and necks still give me problems

But combinations of Paint Shop and Poser are definetly fun.

Now for Writing. This is far more tricky so I'll just be posting bits/short stories and poetry

8th Grade (Slightly edited I'm afraid. 11th grade editing maybe?)
Part of the Fabulous Flaming Fruitcake

The snow drifted lazily down, piling heavily on top of every available surface as it had been for nearly two weeks. Snow had blown itself into the front door, blocking any probable escape from that direction, and the roads were jammed to perfection so no one could come here either. Thus my party was dead-before-arrival. Deceased before it had even had a chance- I couldn’t leave and no one could come.

The fire, though, crackled happily my fireplace to my right as Christmas carols drummed from the speakers adding the vocal cheer to the house that I couldn’t. The house was elaborately decorated with rich red and greens. Two toffee cakes had been set out as well as a few bowls of Sprite punch and a dish or two of melted cheese and crackers while a fruitcake lay in waiting in the kitchen.

9th Grade

...Oh god. I can't even find something I like enough to post. *laughs* If you've read my fan fiction you've seen it. I hadn't quite figured out the diffrence between Your and You're  its sad~

10th Grade

I figured out Your and You're. Wrote more fan fiction. I also started the eternally unfinished Small Obsession

He was in the kitchen; his hair sprayed about him in rivets of ebony, a sharp contrast against the white tiles and pale countertops. Coffee stained the edge of his favorite blue shirt and the teacup from which it had come lay inches from his nerveless fingertips. His other arm was pined beneath him, while his legs simply lay to the side. His mouth was partially opened and a small bit of blood and saliva lay pooled by his cheek. Marking the only mar on his body, where his teeth had gashed his tongue.

If it wasn’t for the eyes, the lifeless hollow gray eyes, one might think him merely fainted. But the eyes were open and staring to the door, as if still waiting for someone to come home. For someone to stop him -now- even though now was certainly much too late.

He could no longer hide how beautifully thin he’d let himself become. The thinness he’d commanded of his body making it both beautiful and disturbing at the same time and he had relished in it, though others had not understood. He could no longer take the pleasure of knowing he was in control anymore. He could not even hide his deceit, which still lay overturned on the countertop. It had been a tool he’d thought to use to win. To win even though he didn’t think he really wanted to. To win his control against an opponent who didn’t even see it that way. And now both had been played for fools.

If his ears could still hear he may have smiled to hear the door slowly open and his name be softly called, as if the person were afraid he was asleep. But he could realize nothing and do nothing but stare at the doorway, as still and cold as death.

11th Grade

Poetry year. Horrible creative writing class. REALLY BAD original fiction excluding the Prettiest Blue Eyes which has been edited a lot and is still being edited.
Shattering Dawn

You could smell the sky
And taste the tears
Of angels
As the trees screamed-
For silence
And the stars pleaded
To hear the morning
Amid the shattering dawn

I also went to an arts camp bridging 11th and 12th grade.



You stand there, eyes alight in the gloom and lips turned up to the storm we shouldn’t be in and singing down the drops. Purple lipstick on pale skin lights blue as the lightning cracks down across the sky and I jump, still watching. Watching your hands dance, mud covered as you spin, laughing like a drunken gypsy, a ghost, as your dress is plastered to your chest.

Dancing against the trees your red hair shrieks through the air, rainbow droplets splattering against the raindrops as you yell- screaming an exclamation to the sky. You are crazy, perhaps, covered in mud. You are beautiful, perhaps, hair flat against the dress and eyes still bright in the night. But you are wild, fey child in the woods, you are dangerous and you know it and love the feel like lightning in your hands.

Loose lips linger against mud covered hands and the smell of blue fills what was once purple, your laugh singing of what was once known, of winters fingers and hands like glass.

You stand there, green eyes smiling, in the rain.


I saw your eyes
Blue as the bruises
That stretched across
Your skin
A black and blue
On white

But didn’t understand-
The cries that came
The sleepwalked steps
And magnolias
That fell to the drain
Like I feared to
When it rained

I did not see
The quickened words
And fearful smiles
That masked themselves plastic
As his body
The door

I saw your eyes
And feared your laugh
Like shattered glass
To my ears-
The memory
Wishing to make
Them bleed.

12th Grade I wrote for extra credit and in irritation with my classmates


“Look at that! Just look at that! It’s disgusting.” The girl leaned to the side, closer to her partner, as she stared passed the flowers on the table to look at something across the street from the little café they had ended up at for the evening. “I just can’t believe they have the gull to do something like that in public.”

“..Well…it’s no different from what we’ve done in public, so what’s the harm?” The brunet to the left of the redheaded girl turned to look at her friend as though simply looking could allow her to peak into her mind. “And besides…if you don’t like it you shouldn’t --”

“I’m not staring!” the first insisted immediately, turning away from the sight a moment to look back over at the other girl. “I’m simply looking in shock…you know I could sue them for surprising me like that and causing me to watch such a disgusting, mind-altering act.”

“You were too staring.” The second huffed slightly and rolled her eyes to the right as she continued. “And, honestly, you watch that sort of thing on late night TV all the time. How is this any different?”

“It just is! How can you not find it disgusting? They’re hugging of all things! In public!” The redhead was fully turned towards her friend by the time she finished, her face flushed slightly from either the force of her own words or, perhaps, embarrassment from the truth in her friends.

“We’ve done that too.” The brunet made a sound of annoyance as she attempted to gather her thoughts, her hair sliding down to obscure her face. “I just don’t see why people are so uppity about it. We’ve seen other couples do worse and it’s not like they’re hurting anything.”

“Yes, but this is just wrong.” The girl leaned her face against her hand before talking slowly and enunciating her words as though she was talking to a child who did not understand the way the world worked yet. “They’re not natural. You know what Bobby says - they should all be sent to camps to be fixed. That’s what his parents did and see how happy he is now? Perfectly happy with Tristan.”

“Fixed?” The slow words didn’t seem to quite sink into the dark eyed, possibly younger, girl and she frowned at her tea as she stirred in some more sugar. “I heard, just the other day, that it was natural. It was on the science network.”

“Natural?” Green eyes flickered with mirth as the first girl smirked at her bashful friend. “How could that be natural? That’s like…”

“-- like having a government separate from religion?”

“Exactly!” She slapped her hand against the table, causing the silverware to jump to attention. “How on earth could a nation survive with everyone believing something different?”

“There would be riots in the street…the only way to live is to have one religion enforced and blocking everyone else’s beliefs to keep the peace. I know, I know.” The girl spoke as though it was something that had to be drug out of her and waved her hand as though to wave away a lecture she knew was coming. “But, really, Veracity, I do feel bad for them.”

“They brought it on themselves.”

“Well…maybe.” She bit at the end of one of the little wooden stirrers. “But why can’t we just let them be? Not watch them - they’re not animals.”

“They might as well be...And why are you preaching for them? You’re not like that and, besides, we should be trying to help them…not giving them marriage rights or anything.” The apparently older, more world-wise, girl nodded with her words and what she believed to be the truth. “Because if they had marriage rights the whole of society would fall to pieces. Nothing that old has ever been changed before.”

“Of course. I know that. Men are still property and those of two different skin tones are never to touch.” The second girl couldn’t keep annoyance from coloring her words but forced herself to draw a shaky breath, instead, so she could destroy it. “Fine. You’re right, alright? Let’s just not talk about it anymore.”

“Good. Perfect…” Veracity leaned back in her wicker chair and grinned. All was silent for a moment save for the clicking of glass against china until the first girl’s eyes slid to stare passed the vase of flowers again. “Hey, look at that. Their leaving. See? Just look at them go. Pretending they’re human, like everyone else, with the same rights. Disgusting. What’s the world coming to, Hokum? Straights holding hands while walking down the street!”

I also went to a poetry writing class


One eye opens
Winking blankly
To the waking world
While the mind stops-
And sprawls
In the layers of nodd


Ah... first year of college.

I wrote my first porn as a challenge for a friends lj group.

Tap. Tap. Tap.


The man landed on the last step and stopped. Pale white thighs, spread apart and suspended by a tangle of thin metal bars and leather straps, trembled as the sound of smooth shoes on stone ended abruptly.

(It amuses me because it seems to be the one thing people tend to like. No plot. No purpose. They just want the porn)

I continued my love affair with description

Smoke dribbled from the doorway, lights knocking against the frosted glass in the windows before slinking away then back again and throwing muted shadows on the bricked streets. There was the sound of scuffling feet, the trumpets bursting from the speakers to couple and blend with the woman’s voice echoing a muffled string of words past the thin metal postern door. Everything was metal, save for the music that burst through as the door was open, drums, metal, and the mutated soul of jazz all blending in with alcohol and night air, which cut through the lungs and bodies of over heated adults.
And to keep sanity I started writing perverse sounding 100 word drabbles during Exams

"Is that for me?" Justin grinned, walking into the room and spotting his lover lying out on the bed, nude as always. He leaned over his lover’s chest, putting two fingers out to grab and then tug at the pink gifts just waiting for him on his lover’s chest. Christian shifted, licking his lips as Justin twisted the raised area into a nub, and then tugged upward and over, though it refused to give.

A look and Justin bent down, pressing his lips to the nub before biting down as Christian sucked in a breath, his legs tensing.

“Mm… taffy.”

And I wrote a lot more then that but I'll leave it there. I'll be surprised if someone goes all the way through with that. XD And so ends my procrastination.
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