I stepped outside and saw a large corn spider outside my window. I was just thinking about taking a picture when a rather large bug flew into the web. The spider pounced on it in an instant. I ran into the house to get my camera, but it was so humid today the lens fogged up immediately. I had to let the camera warm up before I could take any usable photos.
The corn spider, Argiope aurantia, is also known as the black-and-yellow garden spider, writing spider or zipper spider. This is clearly a female, as the males are much smaller and have a narrow abdomen. They are considered harmless to humans.
As always, you can click on the pictures to see a larger version.
The wide version. I think I overdid the vignette. I was trying to de-emphasize the bright background without affecting the spider's bright colors. It looks alright in the full view, but in the thumbnail view it's rather obvious.
All the nope.