3-day weekends are really nice

Oct 18, 2004 12:06

I wish I could have more three day weekends. I always feel more awake and alive on a Monday after having three days off. I was off Friday since it was a teacher-work-day and no kids signed up to come to our $20 all day open club day full of fun. Eh no skin off my back, I can now just throw those plans into the future teacher-work-day and not have to plan a whole nother day. Technically I was still suppose to come in n' do office work, but I've been coming down with the ick and decided to take one of my infinite sick days of the year.

Which leads me to my next topic. It surprises me how much I go back and forth on loving/hating my job. I guess that's a good thing. I love it cuz of the perks I get like Full Benefits that doesn't come out of my salary, with 90% coverage with 75% Dental and Vision coverage; unlimited sick days; currently 12 vacation days a year that increases each year; all national holidays are paid days off; and most Teacher-workdays end up being another paid day off. Also I'm looking into ways that the National office will payback my school loans, and pay for Graduate School. Since I'm in a good mood right now, I dont' really want to talk about what makes me hate my job, but if you've been reading my journal for any length of time you should know the gist of what I don't like.

Speaking of Graduate school I know i want to go, but I'm not entirely sure of what I want to get my Master's in. I've been tossing around the idea of Business Management, I've also been recommended to take Education, but both just aren't completely grabbing my enthusiasm. I'm still looking though.

Moving really sucks. And rent really sucks. I can't find a place cheaper than $75 less than my current place unless it's in crack town. $75 will help, but it still keeps us on a very tight budget.
(Dont' feel bad ihvpave cuz this was going to happen in Jan. anyways. BTW I just read about your house problems - I'm really sorry sweets. You coming over Tuesday night for Gilmore Girls?)

In other news the Kitten is still terrorizing Caroline. But I think Caroline is starting to actually play with her and not just punch and hiss at her. It's really funny when they run at each other from opposite ends of the apartment and when they meet they both jump about 4 feet into the air grab each other then push off back to the original corner to get ready for another run.
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