Aug 26, 2016 23:21
So I think I might be revamping Shark Teens into something much bigger than it was intended. I don't know all the details yet, but I know I'm excited, and I know it may give me a chance to use Ichabod's pod, which means
Actual teenage sharks.
I'm so excited. Their names are Mako and Tiger, because Merrows (what Ichabod is) take names from the human language of their area if they're interacting with humans, and while Ichabod, who loves humans and spends a lot of time with them, took the time to find a name she liked the sound of, the rest of her pod tend to give them a miss apart from one boat they hang around, so they didn't bother and just let Ichabod name them. She gave them generic shark names because she was lazy. (Along with Tiger and Mako, her pod also has White and Nurse. A few others too but those are the significant ones.)
Some facts:
Merrow are also called weresharks and merfolk, and a variety of other colloquial names; Merrow is the name they chose to be applied to them in our language on an official basis. They are both social and solitary creatures, so while they live in pods numbering between one and two dozen adults, they tend to be very spread out over a large territory (think of a rural town- lots of families occupying land plots, but all of them together make a community). Young adult Merrow (late teens/early twenties; they age at more or less the same rate as humans for about the first thirty years of their lives) tend to move around and socialize more, which is why the Sharks are a group right now; as they get older, they'll start finding territories and possibly mates and settle somewhere specific. (Tiger and Mako are teens and White and Nurse are twenties).
Merrow have three forms: two "full" forms and one in-between form, so they can be human-shaped, shark-shaped, or have the 'mermaid' shape between the two. While the fish they most resemble is a shark, up close the differences are apparent and sharks would consider the resemblance to be in the uncanny valley (as, indeed, humans do with their human shape).
Merrow are warm-water creatures; they live around the equator and some way north and south where the currents are warmer. The Arctic and Antarctic circles are inhabited by 'Selkies', their fuzzy cousins. Selkies are very similar to Merrow in most ways, except that they have fur and so were mistaken by humans for seal-women. Culturally they're very different, though, and they're also far more social than their Merrow cousins. Selkies don't really figure into the story anywhere, I just like being thorough. (Actually most of this doesn't really feature in the story, but I wanted to have some solid background on what Ichabod is when I was writing her so I hashed up some details.)
!original work