Feb 24, 2013 11:20
I have been almost exclusively on Tumblr lately, but that's down partially to RPing (you guys remember how much my posting dropped off last time I RPed), and partially to the fact I can't change the posting page for LJ back to the good format instead of this ugly crap we've got now.
You know, in case any of you were wondering where I'd disappeared to.
Anyway, the roleplaying! I already mentioned I was playing the twins, and I also picked up Boromir and Sam as well. Boromir's my favorite, I have to admit; I realized three hours after picking him up that I was playing him post death and so instead of trying to work around it I just made it a thing. He got better and now he has fourth wall knowledge. He's aware that he's a fictional character from a book being played by a person on the internet. He refers to me as the pirate who runs (and occasionally ruins) his life, and of late seems to be working his way through sleeping with the entire cast, which is slightly hilarious.
I've been mostly keeping Sam in character though, to provide a contrast to Boromir.
pairing: boromir/everyone,
fandom: middle earth,
internet: tumblr,
character: boromir,
character: elladan and elrohir