Musings of a prisoner....

Nov 11, 2002 23:34

An old orc war chant:

My enemies lie around me
Their blood staining my skin
Their bodies are broken
And the wargs are coming in

I stand rejoicing
At the death I brought
I revel in the pain
And destruct I wrought

None can stand against me
For I'm death and I'm pain
I live to pillage
Plunder and to maim

There is no one better
At killing or at death
For I will fight you
Until my last breath.

My momma used to sing that to me every night as I went to sleep. Such sweet and peaceful dreams it would bring me.

But right now doesn't make me feel any better. Everyone here just assumes that I killed whoever it was they found. Stupid turkey still isn't anywhere to be found.

Earlier today I could hear the little eagle kids off somewhere in the background, their little voices raised in some cheery orc-ish song. But now I just here an annoying, brain-rotting chorus of "I love you, you love me, we are one big family".


What are they doing to the poor things?

To make matter worse, no one even seems to know what is going on here. Or if they do, they haven't cared enough to comment. Even these gossip mongers don't seem to care about this injustice.

You are all a bunch of bigots. You all think orcs are just mindless butchers and death mongers. It is not true. We are a highly cultured and civilized race.

And I will kill anyone who says otherwise.

I'm still locked in a cage next to the Warg.

And they are feeding her better food.

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