Nov 11, 2008 19:35
I know it's been a while since I've written, because I looked over my last entry and it said I had been sick but was now perfectly fine. And I haven't been perfectly fine in a good, long while, so I know that's how long it's been since I've written. Since I like to voice my woes here, let me explain what's been going on. I noticed it first the night of Chic-Fil-A spirit night. The 28th, I believe. I began coughing (and haven't stopped since, mind you). It was just a cough and sore throat until Thursday afternoon, when I started feeling really nauseous. I skipped my classes then and went to meet with Brandi and Elizabeth at 6:30, forgoing dinner for just a Coke to calm my stomach. Didn't work. I felt so bad that I thought I was going to throw up and even started crying a little bit just from sheer misery, and then I left Crusade before it really even started. I couldn't handle it. Felt like a flake, but I just felt awful. So I called my Mom in tears because I was so miserable and she told me to go get some Dramamine (my 3rd time at Wal-Green's that day, each time buying a new drug). And I took it and went home and put in At World's End and laid in bed until everyone got there for the Office (which didn't record, so I left my bed for a grand total of about 5 minutes) and KtS, Britt, and Beth came and sat with me, which made me feel a lot better. So I slept through the night and then when I woke up on Friday, I thought it would be the last time. I couldn't move and I didn't move except to use the bathroom until late that afternoon. All I ate was Saltines and sweet tea and Dramamine and Mucinex and Tylenol and I felt like standing was a really bad idea because the room spun a little. I just lay motionless in bed with a washcloth to my forehead. I finally got up and took a shower, went to Wal-Mart and to the Halloween party at the Casa (where I sat on the couch all night because standing up was such a big ordeal) and on Saturday morning, I felt slightly less deathly and went home to Spartanburg. I felt just as miserable for the next several days (and had some sinus pressure, fever, and headaches on top of all that). In fact, I skipped my Monday class and just stayed in Spartanburg to let my mom take care of me until Wednesday morning and I went back, nausea gone and almost of normal strength again. But then Wednesday night, some of my nausea came back and Britt wanted to go to urgent care because of this possible spider bite on her hand, and I figured I'd let them take a look at me while we were there. And boy did they look. Once they told me they didn't know what was wrong, they decided to take my blood (in two different places, because the first one missed) and then do a FREAKING EKG, which is kind of scary! I mean, you don't even feel it, but there's a lot of machinery and you're in a gown and they're hooking things up to you and it's scary! And after all that, they said they couldn't find anything! I didn't have mono or diabetes and I wasn't pregnant and my heart was a little fast, but I think that had to do with the fact that they were sticking needles and clips all over me, and the lab results the next day said everything was normal, so they just said to stop taking Mucinex because that could speed up my heart and make me dizzy and they sent me on my way. And I feel way better, but I'm still kind of coughing up a storm, but at least I can walk and eat and everything. So that is my crazy sickness story. You'd think a girl who reads so many medical books would be in better health.
Anyway. Home was fun. We got a new dog. She's a two-month-old black and white Springer Spaniel (Spaniel mix, really, but mostly Springer). We debated on a name for a really long time, and then once I was gone, they decided on Millie. I hate the name Millie, so I've taken to calling her M. I figure that's better than Millie and it's Judi Dench's character in James Bond, so that's kind of cool. She's really precious. Likes to be on people. I like dogs that like to be on people. Actually, I just like dogs. All dogs. Big, small, hyper, mellow, old, young, doesn't matter. Love dogs. Love animals.
Home was also fun because I am one of the fortunate people in life whose best friend is in their family. Melody is the most fun person I know and I always hate having to leave her at home and go back to school. No one gets our jokes like each other do. Together, we rediscovered our love for Christy. For those of you who don't know, Christy was a series in the early 90's. We watched it when it was on back then and loved it and Melody rented the whole series from the library. Originally, though, it was a book written in '69, I think. And then the series left us on a real cliffhanger, so PAX TV did 3 tv movies early this decade. Never seen them, so I bought them off of and we're going to watch them over Thanksgiving. We both checked the book out from the library though, because we've never read it, and I must confess that my work has suffered because I cannot put it down. Christy is the story of a 19-year-old girl from Asheville, NC who travels to the backwoods community of Cutter Gap, TN to be a schoolteacher. The school is the same building as the church and she teaches 67 pupils of all ages. Few of them (few adults even) know how to read or write or do anything and she has to teach them all as well as learning to love them and become a part of their world, which is pretty uncivilized compared to her city life. Her faith is tested in many ways and she has to deal with all sorts of mountain family drama and she eventually wins the love of and has to choose between two men--David, the handsome, funny, young preacher, and Dr. Neil MacNeill, the brooding Scottish doctor who has little to no faith in God. Who does she finally choose? You'll have to watch or read to find out. We pulled for David when we were little. He was pretty and funny and everything young girls find attractive. These days we pull for Neil. He's hot and usually dirty and he's dangerous and Scottish. It's a truly great story. Best-seller for a really long time.
P.S. The heat in my house isn't working and it is frigid.
The sickness, lethargy, and Christy have all contributed to my room becoming a pig-sty. I mean, it's really grotesque. There are clothes all in the floor, papers all over the desk, books strewn out all AROUND my chest with few actually on or in it. Therefore, I am designating tomorrow as my cleaning day. I am going to pick up the floor and do laundry and put things away and vacuum. It's going to be revolutionary. I'm actually looking forward to it because I'm embarrassed for people to come in my room. Truly, they must think I'm disgusting. And since I've let it get to this point, maybe I am. Anyway, I'm going to wash a few dishes, eat a little cheesecake, and possibly finish Christy tonight. Hope you've enjoyed this update on all the turmoil in my life. I love you all.