So, it’s been a while since I’ve blogged, and there have been lots of times I’ve had things to write about, but I’ve forgotten them all now, so let’s just do a few highlights of things that are going on.
- I went back to Gatlinburg over fall break and became further confident in the idea that I need to live there. Not right in town, but I’m thinking around Cobbly Knob would be good. It’s right in the woody mountains, where it would make sense to have a log cabin and where someone would almost certainly have to go up a winding road to get to your house. It’s far enough from the town, though, where I’d have to make an effort to go into town, so I couldn’t go every day or even every week. It could still retain some of its wonderful special quality. Also, we went to the Craftsmen’s Fair, which was completely amazing again. We got Christmas presents from the jewelry-maker-I got silver conch shell earrings. Beautiful. And we got some chocolate sauces. Mine is chocolate-coconut. I had it on an Eggo the other day and almost had a stroke it was so good. They also had these cut-out coins from different states and countries and they had Barbados and Trinidad ones which were lovely, but the truth is, I loved the New Zealand one because it had this huge, beautiful ship on it. But why would I have a New Zealand coin, you know? So I didn’t get any of those. But you should all go someday, because I just think this is a truly unique and incredible event. They have summer and fall ones, so you can take your pick. I think the summer one has more stuff, though. Maybe.
- Desperate Housewives is not as trashy a show as one would think. I’ve been watching it lately and it’s actually not bad. It’s more about murders and things than affairs. The narrator is a dead woman. It’s kind of neat, because it’s creative. Just shows that you shouldn’t judge stuff before you watch it.
- Along that same line, I watched all 3 High School Musical movies on Saturday, and I LOVED them. I mean, the first two are cheesy, but very enjoyable. The THIRD one though. WOW! I mean, it’s a really good movie! It just made me so happy. All of us were so excited once it was over. I mean, for the next couple of hours, we were just grinning and singing and wanting to dance. And the crowd was awesome too-they were all clapping in rhythm and dancing at the end and stuff. It was incredible. I think I smiled more between the hours of 3 and 10 that day than I have probably in the last couple of weeks combined. Truly an amazing experience. I need to download all the songs now so that I can sing along next time I see it.
- I went to my dermatologist today and I only have to keep using all my medicines in one spot. I get to start healing up everything else. So that is really good news. I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing at least until January, which is like 10 weeks, but I don’t mind. It won’t be as much trouble since I get to cut back on almost everything.
- I was sick over Fall Break. I woke up last Sunday morning sneezing and my nose was running like there was a finish line at the end. Fortunately, I went to the doctor the very next day, and I usually wait a while until I have a sinus infection and everything is awful and by then, most medicines are useless and you just have to wait it out. But my new doctor (whom Melody and I both like a lot-she saw him because she got PNEUMONIA!) gave me a nose spray and some hard-core allergy pills and I was WAY better in like 2 days! I’m good as new now. I’m still taking the stuff, but I’m so much better. Quickest sickness of my life. It’s amazing. This time last week I was miserable, and now I’m perfectly fine. Fortunately, he gave me like 2 refills until this time next year, so if I start to get sick again, I’m just going back on it. It’s amazing.
- I’m about sick of these bugs in my house. Two nights ago, I went to bed around 1:00, and I kept hearing this rustling sound, like a plastic bag. And I tend to build up plastic bags in my room, so I thought maybe something was falling in a Wal-Mart bag or something and I was going to ignore it. But it started to drive me nuts so I finally got up and started messing around with the bags in my floor. And I started picking one up and saw something black on the floor in the light of my TV, so I went to turn on the light and saw that it was a roach and I yelled a little bit (quietly though so I wouldn’t wake anyone up) and killed it. And I got back in bed but every time I was almost asleep, I would think I felt a bug on me and I’d spring up out of bed and turn on the lamp and look around and there was nothing. This happened for like an hour and a half. Ridiculous. This is how stupidly intense my phobia is. It’s so lame.
- Also, I’ve been re-reading Kaitlyn’s and my story, and most of you have NO idea what I’m talking about, but it’s an awesome thing and there are pirates involved and reading it makes me love life but miss her.
Okay. I’ve put off my work for long enough now, so I’m going to go do the thousand other things I should have been doing instead of this. Happy Halloweek!