It's all up to you and whatever you do, don't cut into my action... 4 3 2 1!

Apr 16, 2009 23:08

Well how exciting I had the dentist today. I went to a new one because my old dentist left his practice and I now go to one that's easier for me to get to and my new dentist was lovely. I basically told him to fix everything! It's not that I have bad teeth at all, but they are by no means perfect and I am a perfectionist! So I'm having a crown on one of my teeth, because I had some root canal work (ouchy ouch) done on it about 3 years ago and it's this big metal tooth lol, so I'm getting a nice white crown! I'm also getting my first proper filling (The only one i have is due to the root canal work but it's basically a whole metal tooth not a little filling) but he says that's 'cos i drink too much tea. Woops. I'm also going to go back on Monday and get them really cleaned to perfection so they are all white and shiny, yay! And here's the worst part.... I'm getting braces. I know, how awful. I'm nearly 18 years old and I might have braces...EEK! It's only on my bottom front teeth though, because I have one that's a little too far back for my liking, so hopefully you shouldn't see it too much. But yeah, my mouth is gonna ache like hell over the next few months, but it'll be worth it!

OMG. LUKE AND NOAH. THOSE TWINS ARE EVIL EVIL BIATCHES. IF THEY HURT NOAH I WILL KILL THEM. And poor Luke thinking his bf had run out on him!!! I almost cried during that phonecall! Luke's little broken heart! And Noah sticking up for his bf.."DONT TOUCH LUKE!!!" (Or w/e he said). At least it's a good storyline FINALLY.

Last Horne and Corden was good! Spidey and Supey were SOOO ADORABLE. awww. Sexual tension or what? And I loved the bit when superman said "I think I'm gonna go" and then made like he was gonna fly, I nearly PMSL. And the gay news reporter visted the fat gay guy...OMG. Brilliant. And YPC....Why? Cos we ain't PC! LMAO. I hope they do get another series! Oh and if you're interested my new comm horneandcorden is up and running! SO please come and join to discuss the boys, read fics, get icons and art etc!

THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR FILLING OUT MY LITTLE GETTING TO KNOW YOU THING. I really appreciate it and I love you guys so much. You're all awesome. And if you haven't done it, you still can! :)

Don't think I really have much else to talk about tbh....didn't do much today! Speak soon my lovelies! xxx

meme: getting to know you, ship: nuke, characters: noah mayer, life: the dentist, characters: luke snyder, actors: horne and corden

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