Apr 15, 2009 14:49
SO I have over 20 friends on Eljay now... OKAY that IS incredibly LAME I know.. but I think it's quite a nice number to keep up with everyone. Although I was looking at my F list and realised I don't really know many of you that well, so I'd really appreciate it if you could fill out a little bio thing for me and post it as a comment to this blog???
If you don't want to answer any of them, or in fact at all, then you don't have to... but I'll fill it out for me too and hopefully we can get to know each other better!
Copy and Paste this!
LJ Username:
RL Name/Nicknames:
Where you are from/Where you live:
Main Fandoms:
Main Pairings/OTP:
What you do on LJ...(eg Blog, Fics, Icons etc):
A random fact about yourself:
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
Anything to add?
Thanks guys! :) Lots of loves xxxx
meme: getting to know you,
lj: fandom,
lj: f-list