Sep 05, 2004 01:56
Stars and brilliantly colored animals raced against the great sky. The night's darkness engulfed him, as he rode his sparkling hippo across the eternal skyline.
He looked down to see the endless ocean's tides rushing in and out among the barren coastline. As he rode this beast through the clouds he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He examined himself and found a dagger which had a brilliant green ribbon on it. The sharp instrument had impaled him through his chest. His blood fell like rain onto the lands to which he gazed upon. His brilliant animal faded.The colors all shimmered into one tone. His great view of the land dissapeared.
He opened his eyes. Feeling a sharp pain coming from his head. Seemingly he had fallen into what appeared to be a strange place.
He stood up and looked down. To his bewilderment the ground seemed to be non existant. It seemed he was standing on pure air. Infront of him there were strange walls that changed color gracefully. It was a prizmatic dream-like world to which he had stumbled upon. His mind was now racing with thoughts to where he may infact be. His confusion lead him to wander further into this strange place. Somehow he was still suspended on this enigmatic floor. The fascinating walls curved onward as he slowly and painfully followed them.
He could hear an eerie type of music playing in the distance. Feeling uneasy, Gorch-Ho paced onward.
He came to an opening in the strange walls to which he had become accustomed to. Nothing made sense anymore, as a small creature about the size of a rabbit approached him. This creature was deep blood red, and looked rather frightening. Gorch-Ho just stopped and gazed at the creature................................
To be continued once more, I say