(no subject)

Dec 14, 2010 19:02

It's not the pace of life that concerns me.
It's the sudden stop at the end.

NAME: Ethan Sykes
AGE/BIRTHDAY: 9th March (35)

FAMILY: Anthony Sykes (Father - DECEASED); Jennifer Sykes (Mother - DECEASED); Noah Sykes (Younger Brother - DECEASED) & Lizzie Sykes (Sister-in law - DECEASED ); Amber Sykes (Younger Sister - UNKNOWN); Caitlin Sykes (Youngest Sister - UNKNOWN);
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual

ABILITIES: Displaying super human strength Ethan literally has the max abilities it's possible to have. He is as fast, durable, strong, and agile as any human could be. He could win every contest in the Olympics, weightlifting to racing. He has run a mile in 2:54:12.5 and bench-pressed the equivalent of a small call at 5000 pounds. A major part of his mutation is that it naturally prevents the build-up of fatigue poisons in his muscles.

Effectively he never tires, so he can do such extraordinary feats and fight for such a long time however in the case of Ethan he is limited in some respects by his secondary mutation.

Durability and resilient skin - when Ethan allows his powers to kick in his skin becomes super hardened so to protect his organs from any adverse side effects of his primary mutation. Yet this process drains him and whilst his mutation is allowed full control Ethan doesn't feel the effects but the moment it switches off he feels drained and exhausted.
A side effect of his mutation is that Ethan is also incredibly intelligent. Something that remains whether he keeps his powers recessive or not. He also remains athletically able - though this is impart to his training and not purely reliant on his abilities.

LIMITATIONS: Because his secondary mutation counter acts his first Ethan needs to be careful just how much he utilises it. Currently he is able to maintain his durable skin and super human strengths consistently for seven hours with some fatigue and a need for bed rest equivalent to a good nights rest and plenty of fluids. Usually it is best considered to keep him under medical observation

SKILLS: Military trained Ethan is what any Army could hope for - a true blooded soldier able in a range of combat skills. He knows military manoeuvres, tactical ploys, how to use the terrain to his advantage, how to fire a range of weapons, hand to hand combat skills, basic medical triage and other key skills.

HEIGHT: 5'11"
WEIGHT: 143lbs
BUILD: Muscled, athletic, lean and healthy.

DISTINGUISHING MARKS: His mutation has kept Ethan from sustaining too many scars or long lasting injuries however he does have a few scars from where he was attacked and was weakened, unable to maintain his durability Ethan suffered from several wounds across his back. These have healed but the scars serve as a lasting reminder.

WARDROBE: Whatever he can lay his hands on Ethan will wear, he prefers items that can easily blend into the terrain so anything combat is pretty high up on his list. He wears layers most of the time as they can be easily removed if needed.

LIKES: Hot water, solitude, a decent meal, safety

DISLIKES: Over eager resistance members, those who refuse to reason or listen to logic, a lack of respect and over-confidence.

STRENGTHS: tactical thinking, quick thinking, hand to hand, weaponry and an ability to plan with precision, ensuring that there are plenty of alternatives.

WEAKNESSES: Stubborn, hard headed, opinionated, pessimistic and eager to over plan.

PERSONALITY: Level-headed and prone to over thinking things Ethan is one of those who tends to look before he leaps. He's always been this way, even as a child Ethan had to consider all his options before making a final decision and so survival has been relatively straight-forward for him. He has just keep on doing what he was taught through the military and made decisions to keep himself alive.

Not that Ethan isn't willing to look out for others, but he has always been one of those who believes that if you aren't willing to listen to reason and logic then you aren't worth the time and effort.

HISTORY: Born and raised in Lubbock, Texas; Ethan is, in many ways, your typical Texan boy. The eldest of four children, born to High School sweethearts Anthony and Jennifer Sykes, he grew up on the family farm, mucking in from an early age to help out with the everyday running of the farm. He learnt to ride as a child, played on his High School football team and graduated with a G.E.D of 749.

Ethan loves his family dearly, standing as best man for his brother Noah when he married Lizzie and enjoying the long distance role of Uncle to his two nephews - Joshua and Ross. He’s looking forward to his sister Amber eventually settling down too, though he knows for wild child Caitlin that there are still a few more years of her ways till she calms down.

His mutation didn’t truly reveal itself in its entirety until Ethan was eighteen (shortly before graduation from High School) and came across a car accident in the middle of the street. The car door had buckled due to the collision trapping a mother and her child inside; this would have been fine if the van that had collided with them hadn’t begun to leak gas. Without any understanding of how he did it at the time Ethan dragged the car to a safe distance and peeled the roof back.

Praised a hero Ethan was also quickly labelled a freak and questions arose about his previous athletic achievements. Though nothing was done about it graduating High School was not a fun experience for Ethan.

Despite all of this Ethan had always excelled in class, surpassing many of his peers with his academic scores. When it came to choosing a university though Ethan applied to three or four ivy League schools and was admitted to all of them but chose instead to attend West Point where not only did he receive rigorous academic training but also the physical fitness requirements and military leadership requirements that he needed to gain so to improve his leadership, managerial and interpersonal skills.
  He had always aspired to join the military but after realising what his abilities could do, and a few favourable offers from the Government, Ethan made his choice. Within a few years Ethan was a proud graduate of The United States Military Academy at West Point, where he had been immersed in a military-oriented environment and upon completing his undergraduate degree requirements Ethan was commissioned and received the gold bars of a Second Lieutenant.

Quickly moving up the ranks Ethan was deployed abroad, serving in a range of countries in both military and peace keeping tours. Despite being a mutant the other soldiers accepted Ethan as one of their own and nicknamed him Hercules as a joke, a name that he chooses to ignore as much as possible. Appointed a Captain by General Stone, a man who Ethan has always admired (even if he is a brash, rude and often politically incorrect) he led his company; A Company, 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment of 200 men for two years before the Sentinel uprising.

Remaining with his team Ethan fought to survive until, eventually he and a few stragglers were left. Luckily (or at the time they thought that they were) they came across another resistance group and joined forces with them. Yet it quickly became apparent that this group were more interested in fighting to survive as individuals than as a group and Ethan watched on as one by one they fell until he was forced to leave so not to end up caught or dead.

For the next three years Ethan survived alone, occasionally joining a group when he had no other choice, until by sheer coincidence Emma Frost happened across the same abandoned military hospital; practically stumbling into a former Captain who just happened to be surviving. Where Ethan would have been content to carry on alone, Emma was pretty adamant that there were a few skills that she could pick up from him. Refusing to leave Emma stayed where he was and insisted he teach her how to protect herself. Her mutant abilities leaving her less able to do so.

Eventually and against his first thoughts Ethan agreed.

By the time they came to leave the military hospital, Emma was more adept at the more old fashioned and traditional methods of protecting herself, it may have taken a few years, but she was competent in more ways than one. Ethan had made a point of teaching Emma not to rely on her mutation and to consider the worst case scenario for everything; piss poor preparation leads to piss poor performance.

Upon eventually leaving the abandoned military hospital they acquired an old military vehicle and made their best attempt to cover as much ground as possible. When the time came to dump the vehicle, going on a small raid for supplies of any kind, they were caught up in a Sentinel sweep. Finding themselves among a small group of mostly human rebels, Emma and the Captain stayed with the group for a while to assist where possible. Whilst Emma offered her intelligence and charm, Ethan was able to offer them his knowledge, skills and training. They stayed with the group for a few months before a raid gone wrong forced them to have to cut their losses and leave.

Undeterred Ethan and Emma took another vehicle and moved away from the area, the pair of them were more than comfortable with just each other’s company. Taking a while, eventually Emma managed to pick up other human signatures, and the pair found their way to the Resistance and their camp.

Following a small debate, Emma opted to stay; citing that there were strength in numbers, whilst Ethan struggled to let go of their past experiences. Numbers didn’t always mean power and he most certainly did not share her view... at first. When it was clear that Emma had no intention of leaving the Resistance Ethan gave up and agreed to stay, but made it clear that it was not a choice he was exactly happy with.

[who] ethan sykes, [what] profile, [verse] sentinels in control

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