
Dec 13, 2010 21:18

Staying with the Resistance? That was all Emma. Her argument had been carefully put forward, all points and aspects considered as they debated their options. Stay and find strength, safety, food and provisions with the others or fend for themselves out there. Ethan thought? He'd been all for leaving, didn't trust this group and their ideals, but then that was before he'd seen the camp. Seen how they'd organised themselves and that their group, the ones who had found them, were just a tiny peek at the steadily growing numbers joining the resistance.

At first Ethan had opted to keep to the sidelines; observe, watch and learn until he'd gotten enough intel on the key players. That was until some idiot had managed to start a fight and Ethan had stepped in, taking punches and breaking up the brawl. People had been shocked, surprised to see that he was unharmed and then the words came. Mutants.

Now? Now he helps train those who want to fight. Guides them with their skills and knowledge and helps better them. Improve them. Just like Emma.

Back flush with the concrete wall Ethan unwinds after a particularly long training session. Trying not to dwell on anything in particular in his head as he stretches and flexes before sliding down to sit on the floor.

ethan sykes, sentinel!verse, emma frost

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