Feb 04, 2005 20:31
Has anyone noticed this has been the biggest disaster since well fuck it is the biggest disaster.
I don't mean to make light of the hundreds of thousands that died in it. Quite the opposite. You see I have always had a fascination with tsunamis. As long back as I can remember. I think they are the most fascinating natural disaster out there. Volcanoes, fuck you, booooooring, what you are given a month head start if you are unfortunate. Tornadoes, yah, those are fun; you get an incredible insight into what an incredibly diverse tapestry of white trash our red states really consist of. As far as I am concerned, if you move into a neighborhood called tornado ally your shit and trailer had it coming like welfare. But tsunami's man, they don't give a fuck. They are all like "I'm ocean" fuck you. Maybe it is my family’s background in the maritime industry, I was conceived at sea, I dunno. Regardless I have always had the biggest respect for the oceans power. However, people’s shallowness around such things as this is more awesome than the ocean itself. It opens the floodgates of water body douche bag. All of a sudden we have movie stars posing with corpses. Wow! They just raised 30K playing 5 minutes of grab ass on a telethon! Fuck you, if it is such a tragedy to you give up all your shit if you are going to stand there and talk about how they lost so much. Even more annoying is the fact that all the funding to third world countries whose need is much greater day to day is instantly pulled so the politicians can join in on this grate superficial circle jerk. I just got back from Nicaragua listening to various non governmental groups talk about how they are tightening their belts because they know the drill for such occasions. Knowing what I know about tsunamis I decided to look up the last one, very comparable (about 100k deaths) in Papa New Guinea. Yah, you might have to do an advance search for that one. First type in "Thailand" in the "pages without" box. Then "India", next "Sri Lanka", how about "Indonesia", hmmm no luck? Try adding "Malaysia". Fuck it you are probably getting frustrated by now. Just go back pages of results, yah do it; I got to 70 and gave up. Maybe I should type in "countries who get hit by tsunamis that we can give a fuck less about." see if that one works.