Jun 29, 2008 13:28

Character: Captain Jack Harkness.
Series: Doctor Who and Torchwood.
Canon: An "impossible thing", Captain Jack Harkness has flirted with men, women and aliens all over the universe, from the 1800s right through to the end of time.

Born in the 51st Century, Jack (was? is? will be? tenses are tricky) a time traveller; first as a Time Agent, then a conman, then finally as the companion of the Ninth Doctor. A "mishap" with an alien killed Jack, but thanks to his popularity with the audience Rose Tyler, he didn't stay dead. Jack ended up on Earth, 1869, with a peculiar inability to die. When government agency Torchwood Three formed to monitor the Space-Time Rift in Cardiff, Wales, they recruited Jack, and by the 21st Century he ran the operation with unerring control. Mostly unerring control. Okay, so maybe his team stole artifacts, hooked up with aliens, and asked far too much about his own history... but he'd still die for all of them; and does. Multiple times.

Captain isn't an empty title; Jack knows how to take charge of a situation. Serving in at least three major wars has made him hard and ruthless when he has to be, as has watching the people he loves grow old without him. Jack loves very easily, and he's known for being good with people (with a broad definition of 'people'). He has plenty of anecdotes detailing just how good with them he can be. Tall tales aside, even the few people who manage to grow close to Jack never learn much about his past except by accident. Despite all that secret emo, Jack's hobbies include: saving the world from aliens, usually while quipping. And he always looks good doing it.

Sample Post:
Strange - y'know, usually when I die, I wake up again in pretty much the same place, but this isn’t Cardiff. I’d say maybe I’ve finally found some kinda afterlife, but I don’t remember heaven or hell being depicted as a swamp. Hey, not that I have anything against swamps; I knew a planet in the Alpha-Centuri region that was practically all swamp and the people there were more than welcoming. Friendly little tribe, interesting ideas about ritual piercing but I had to take that out when it got infected. Still, I did manage to demonstrate the concept of regular bathing, and they took to it like ducks to showers.

But fact of the matter is, I'm not too sure how I got here. And when I have gaps in my memory I tend to start shooting people. It's a character flaw, I know.

Now that I think about it, I kinda remember getting a letter... which stands out in my memory because everyone I knew who'd choose writing over email isn't really in any position to hold a pen, mainly 'cause they've died of old age. Something about being a Camp Counselor. That's not really my gig. It's such an American thing. I love America - hell, I sound American - but I stand by the fact that no-one who ever went to a camp'd wanna come back and work there. They have to recruit from the uninitiated, the people who don't realize what they're getting into.

Still, if this is a job interview, I don't think much of the receptionist. Not that I'm picky about looks; d'you know, I had a girlfriend in my twenties who had an exoskeleton? More a one-night-stand, really, she wasn't my type. Picky about how she docked her spaceship, if you know what I mean, and more than a little Franz Kafka. Point is, they haven't exactly hired someone really, you know, welcoming. Maybe if she brushed her hair, applied a little makeup... sewed up the gaping wounds in her torso. I mean, I'm no expert but I don’t think the viscera look is really 'in' this season.

Hopefully that's not the standard at this Camp. I mean, I'm not banking on it holding intelligent life, but I'll accept sentient. I'll bet there'll be some fellow Counselors who are just aching to get to know someone new after so much time in this lonely swamp which I'm beginning to suspect I might be lost in. Did that letter have a map? Come to think of it, I might have it on me, let me see...

Ah, yeah, here we go, "Dear lucky victim," blah blah blah, "youth of tomorrow," - hope they don't mean that literally, tomorrow's youth are usually today's unborn - blah blah "watch out for the zombies," now you tell me, blah blah thanks a bunch for signing on as our-

Abstinence Enforcer?

Changed my mind. Hell is a swamp after all.

IN with 96.6%


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