Damn, it's been so long since I logged in to livejournal. I've got a lot to change and even more to write here..
if you're interested just click on the random shizzle beneath this.
so, I didn't go on my exchange year. why? because I thought about it for a very long time and I realized that I rather stay where I am now and just finish my school properly. What also helped a bit with making my choice was probably the fact that I have a boyfriend now. And if you go on an exchange year it's advised to not-have a boyfriend. well, I wasn't planning on dumping him in the nearby future. so yeah. Let's just say there were a lot of things which made me want to stay here. So I made the desecion and didn't go on my exchange trip. My fellow-rotary-students did go, and most of them are in their exchange country right now. I'm very happy for them and even though it was my own choice to stay here, i'm a bit jealous. because ofcourse I would have loved to go. and it is a great experience. but yeah, maybe I can go on an exchange year later in my life. :)
I'VE CHANGED MY TWITTER NAME AND DELETED MY OLD ACCOUNT AND ALL SORTS OF SHIT LIKE THAT. So here's my new twitter account @captainchul. yeah I know, still the same name, but I just changed it back to captainchul haha, first it was ohmyseunghyun <3 I totally loved that name, but I don't know, I've had captainchul as account name for so many things for so long, I kinda missed it haha!
I've thought for a while what I'm going to do with this livejournal account now. Since I was planning on using it for my exchange stories and shit.. so I just decided to put random shizzle here and maybe one of my stories. ;D you'll see. haha
and I also added some groups and artists to my list <3 but I won't bother you with that right now haha!
Enjoy your weekend. xo.