Why I Should Run Holiday Inns

Jun 16, 2005 21:54

So I've realized that the Holiday Inn chain is running itself into the ground. The reason for this is their inability to back up their employees' actions. As a result, customers are allowed to get whatever they want as long as they complain enough.

"But wait a minute, isn't the customer always right???" This is a question you may be asking (or maybe not). The answer is no. The customer is usually wrong, as they try to tell people how to do their jobs and refuse to see the difficulties in making 100 people happy, as opposed to just themselves. Since the "public" is incredibly stupid, it is wrong. Granted, I make mistakes, and when I do, I admit them and make them right. The public never admits its mistakes, believing wrongly that they are entitled to be stupid just because they paid a minimal amount of money to stay in one of our rooms. In addition, they are entitled to make up crazy excuses to get out of paying for their rooms because they are incredibly cheap, rotten people. Most of these are entirely ridiculous, or just lies, but that does not matter.

Holiday Inn is stupid because they force their employees to honor all of these ridiculous refund requests (ha). If a hotel does not satisfactorily satisfy the needs of its "guests," then the hotel is fined $75.00 per infraction. Now, this really isn't a large amount of money (a bit less than the cost of a room for one night). However, it causes hotels to give in to the guests, because if they don't, they get fined. While that sounds bad, there is an effect that is even more insidious. It ruins the morale of all hotel employees, including myself. We have been broken to the point that we are merely doormats that meekly accept any jerk's complaints about the hot water being too hot and the cold water being too cold. When I first started working here so many years ago, I was nice, bubbly, and voluntarily helpful to our customers. Now, when customers walk up to the desk, I have to force myself to get out of my comfy chair in the back and shuffle sullenly to the front, and mumble something at the people there.

I can't complain though (who am I kidding, I can complain like a champion). I do get treated relatively well, even though I haven't gotten a raise in almost two years. That contributes to the morale problem as well. At least I get to post on this el jay while at work. And buy stuff on eBay. And read about the Fourth Crusade. And get free food. Weeee...
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